BBC helmet cam film to explore cyclist-motorist conflict

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Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
both sides will be portrayed as offensive. the water cooler chats on thursday will be interesting.
I don't know about you, but my thursday water cooler chats are always interesting ;)


Über Member
My strategy for dealing with the documentary is: 1) Beer 2) Pizza 3) Knocking opinions and emotions in to ‘neutral’.

At least if Redvee’s submission is included I know there will be at least one good laugh during the hour - that video cracks me up (It’s one of my all time favourites – along with his “Lockbrook Road”).


Legendary Member
I'm bor going to watch it. It's nothing I don't see almost daily myself as I ride so it won't have much documentary value for me, and this is going to do nothing to break down barriers between cyclists and the 'I pay my road tax' brigade.

It's just a ploy by the Beeb to grab a few ratings by stirring the pot themselves on an already controversial topic and u fear it will do our cause no favours.


I'm intrigued to see the spin they put on it. I'd imagine with the government trying to encourage cycling it'll be potentially made with the purpose of encouraging awareness and safety- in all parties. Hopefully it won't come across that cycling in London's a minefield, or label cyclists menaces in a Daily-Mail-esque fashion.

Will be watching.


Bionic Subsonic
Having seen the trailer I'd guess a frothing at the mouth Daily Fail style piece would be more likely. Hoping to be proven wrong.


Active Member
Should make interesting viewing, lets hope Jeremy Vine is presenting that should get the Daily Mail bicycle hate mob well and truly worked up for the following mornings commute.


Heavy Metal Fan
The footage I saw on the trailer was taken from such heroes as CycleGaz and the like. I can guarantee that it won't present a balanced view, but I hope I'm proven wrong. In an ideal world they will conclude by showing the dangers of close-passes, and will get the message across that motor vehicles can kill or injure cyclists very easily whereas the vice versa is almost impossible.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Postings elsewhere on this forum suggest that the film has been produced by a company headed by a cyclist. That may well mean that it is more balanced than it would otherwise be.

Miquel In De Rain

No Longer Posting
Postings elsewhere on this forum suggest that the film has been produced by a company headed by a cyclist. That may well mean that it is more balanced than it would otherwise be.

Rubbish,the poor motons will be picked on again by the non road tax paying brigade.
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