Bloody car transporters!

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Whilst out this lunchtime riding along a road with a dual use cycle and footpath running alongside it I was passed far too closely by a car transporter, he initially moved out and then back in while the rear trailer was still passing me, so close I nearly crapped myself and if I hadn't almost mounted the kerb I'm sure I could have been swiped. I getsiculated and shouted a bit.

A short distance up the road the transporter stopped at a local Ford garage, I gave the driver a few choice words, he got out and started having a go, needless to say that got my back up and we had an exchange of views.

His being that I should have been on the pavement, that if I had gone under his wheels it would have been my bloody fault, he moved back because of an oncoming vehicle, there was plenty of room etc etc. I tried to tell him that cycle paths weren't compulsory, and this one was in a pretty poor state too, and he was far too close, and I was pretty close to chiinning him!

My wife has since located an e-mail address for the Ford transport group and I am in two minds on whether to write or let it lie.

Any thoughts?


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Write - definitely. An attitude like that needs something doing...

Gary E

I'd definitely call them. Even if he had been right and you should have been on the path (and obviously he wasn't) does that justify taking you out with his back wheels as he seemed to be suggesting???
You should have got your phone out there and then, called his employer and asked him to repeat what he'd said about it being your fault.
Muppets like this who drive multi-ton vehicles should have no doubt as to the rules of the road or else nobody is safe. Next time it might be someone with less bike control than you!


yeah ,defo act on this ,hes a so called "professional driver"and his driving is meant to b of a very high standard ,im sure his employer would love to hear of this

Gary E

Had a scary moment with a very large lorry a while ago. He overtook me and then, when he was alongside, noticed the pinch point just ahead of us. Instead of stopping he just cut straight in. Fortunately neither of us were moving very fast. I hit the curb and then somehow managed to hop along the path on my left leg and stay upright (not easy as it was one of my first clipless rides and I couldn't get my right foot to unclip).
I had to sit down and concentrate on my breating for a minute or two after that one :wacko:
Do it. My mrs was reduced to tears by the closeness if a recent overtake by one of these leviathans. She didnt manage to get any details unfortunately. It beggars belief that any people - let alone professional drivers - think that this sort of intimidation is acceptable.
Do it, his firm might take the same Neanderthal view as him but other 5mins of your time, you'll have lost nothing, hopefully they dont though and you'll/ we'll gain a lot.


Legendary Member
A fat twit in a transit van overtook me too close other day. I knew he did it on purpose cause he was looking at me via his passenger side mirror for a reaction. I gave him none.

At the next set of lights he kept staring at me via his rear view mirror hoping for a reaction and got none. looked around at the scenery. I think that really disappointed him.

I is 6ft 2 and has rugby player build and coulda knocked his lights out. But to thrive on the roads you gotta use your head.


Yes. If he had overtaken when it was safe to do so then then the oncoming vehicle should never have been an issue. He was clearly impatient and when push came to shove dismissed your presence as not to hit the other vehicle.
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