Can you wheelie ?

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Leg End Member
Never been able to pull a wheelie, but got used to riding a unicycle.


I used to when I was younger (up to my 20s iirc) but the last time I did one was two or three years ago when I was returning home on the 20" wheeled folding bike. The local kids were out on the road and a couple of them shouted "Oi mate, do a wheelie", so I did ^_^. They asked again when I was leaving the house on the touring bike - whilst on the grass, I gave it a little go but was too worried about bringing the wheel up high enough in case of bringing it down hard and damaging/weakening it (I was also locked in on the SPDs, which didn't help).

Big John

I admire anyone who has the skill to wheelie or ride rollers no handed or unicycle or use a wobble board but sadly I ain't got the bottle even to try these days. I'd love to be able to impress the grandkids, or even my grown up kids, to show them theres life in the old dog yet but I guess it ain't gonna happen. I'm happy just getting out on the bike like most of us on here and don't fancy risking breaking my neck. I can still dream......🤔


Über Member
I always disliked the thought of the ball bearings getting hammered and pitted for what I thought was no good reason. So only ever just did a tiny pop the wheel up to go up a kerb and very rarely at that.
Kent Coast
In my 20s and 30s I got as far as being able to do stationary hops from one wheel to the other. I could never master a proper back wheel wheelie.....
Now, I wouldn't even want to try. The waiting time at A&E is far too long......


Kilometre nibbler
I managed a few semi successful wobbly attempts as a teenager. It never came naturally but I did put some effort in to learning. I see some tremendous skills in youngsters these days.

Once it became clear that I was never going to look cool no matter what tricks I learned then I left wheelies, bunny hops, trackstands, juggling and the like to the cool kids.

Anyway I ride with full mudguards these days so that's my excuse
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Über Member
I admire anyone who has the skill to wheelie or ride rollers no handed or unicycle or use a wobble board but sadly I ain't got the bottle even to try these days. I'd love to be able to impress the grandkids, or even my grown up kids, to show them theres life in the old dog yet but I guess it ain't gonna happen. I'm happy just getting out on the bike like most of us on here and don't fancy risking breaking my neck. I can still dream......🤔

Can you get a recumbent unicycle......?
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