Close Contact Self Isolation

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The app doesn't use GPS. The phone uses Bluetooth to broadcast it's presence, these signals are picked up by other phones. The app is able to calculate the distance between individuals and how long those individuals were close to each other.

If two users are within two metres of each other for 15 minutes this is recorded as a "close contact."

If a user tests positive he/she is given a code to enter in to the app. The app then looks up all the phones it has been in contact with.

Any phone which has had a "close contact" - two metres, 15 minutes - is sent an alert.

If, for example, you stand by someone in a supermarket queue two metres apart for five minutes you don't get an alert.
Why do we need to check into venues then if proximity between phones is how it works?


Legendary Member
Why do we need to check into venues then if proximity between phones is how it works?
My understanding is checking in to venues aids the track and trace system. I've assumed this is to help the instances where it's deemed necessary to contact all who've been in the premises.

I'm not an expert, I've read and tried to understand. Can I suggest you download the app and read the FAQs. I think you posted at some point there was no reason why you should use it so possibly you're not really interested??

You can find all the info in the app. Follow this route in the app

How the app works >What the app does >Check in


West Yorks
Thats ridiculous though, people won't be able to get paid for all this time off work. What about the guys who are temps in warehouses and logistics centres, they need that money, if they brush past someone with COVID who might not know they've got it, they're out of a job!
There are lots of temps working in warehouses, they are being trained up and are basically cannon fodder to cover full time staff if/when they have to self isolate, the management don’t give a hoot about them, they’re ten a penny and replaceable as far as the bosses are concerned
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Legendary Member
So let me get this right, If I was to download the NHS APP and visit KFC for example and check in this afternoon.

Someone else who also has the APP visits the same establishment and then some days later was proven to have Covid I would then need to stay at home and not go to work for 2 weeks?

Even though I show no signs of the disease and may have been nowhere near this person as I would have been sitting either alone or with people I know?

Surely you can see why people are loath to download this APP?
Not unless you’ve been in contact for more than 15 minutes at less than 2 metre distance, no.


Leg End Member
Just shows you why it's spreading if a bunch of cycling enthusiasts can't even agree !!
Why should "a bunch of cycling enthusiasts" be any different to any other group of people?

What we seem to have in common with any other group is that some don't feel the rules should apply to them.

I shouldn't be allowed out, high risk group, according to some. This to allow them to carry on as they want to. It's their right, what about my rights? I want this over and done with as soon as possible, with a return to "normal" as soon as possible. But I'm well aware that whatever comes after this, will not be the same as before.

Also, with people flouting the rules and trying to say the law doesn't apply to them, they are simply extending it for all of us. I want to start being treated for long term conditions again. Everything stopped when this started. I'm managing three long term conditions by myself, on top of the current situation. Why should my health be put at risk, not being treated, because some people just don't want to accept that the law applies to them as it does me.


Legendary Member
I can't see how any APP knows where I sat in KFC!

I would assume the APP knows who was where and when and then if someone reports that they have Covid then their steps will be re-traced and everyone who was in the same place at the same time will be contacted, can't really work any other way surely?
Bluetooth exchanges between phones. It is not simply being in the same building as someone.
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Legendary Member
How does this work for professional footballers then?

I see that Sadio Mane tested positive and having played Arsenal two days before...he would have been more than 1m inside someone, even spat on the ground, tackled, hugged and high fived his way off, got changed, showered next to someone, had a rub down the next day from the club medics.... it goes on and on....

Did the whole Arsenal team get a text message the same as mine?? did Mane's rub down guy get one?? Did the Liverpool players who helped him celebrate his goal get one ?? No because they all played yesterday as did Arsenal. Thats when you understand why some people are up in arms about it.
But they are being tested every day. If the whole population could be tested every day, then life would pretty much return to normal. Pie in the sky thinking, which Boris is still aiming for!


Legendary Member
I'm just curious.

Self isolation finished and you show no symptoms and you're free to leave the house. You go for shopping and when you come back home the app says that you've been in a close contact with somebody who has got covid.

What should you do? Self isolate for another 14 days again?
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Legendary Member
This though is where taking responsibility for oneself comes in to play.

If one can't queue safely don't join the queue. It isn't difficult. I've spent the last six months minimising my contact with others in such situations.

That takes commonsense though, seriously lacking in many cases it seems.


Legendary Member
There are lots of temps working in warehouses, they are being trained up and are basically cannon fodder to cover full time staff if/when they have to self isolate, the management don’t give a hoot about them, they’re ten a penny and replaceable as far as the bosses are concerned

I think there are many people in management who are caring citizens.
I haven't got the tracing app and have no intention of downloading it, despite work trying to promote it. As regards giving details at venues, I don't volunteer any information. If I go somewhere and they don't bother to ask, then I tell them nothing. I only give any details if actively asked for them. I haven't told anyone I'm Donald Trump or Mickey Mouse either.
So if asked you give your correct details?
It's not obligatory to use the app and I too have concerns about it.
I have been in the odd spoons very recently and they seem to be being very hot on asking for details. I have used paper.
I hope you aren't telling the paper folk that you are going to use the app and then not using the app?
If folk follow their system I think I feel safer (for me and others) in the spoons than almost anywhere, definitely than in shops.
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