Cycle path

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Can't see how anyone could rig evidence like that :rolleyes:

Can they pull a Daily Mail sad face as well to show the court how upset they were.
An "Angry People In Local Newspapers" done-a-poo pose may be better.

This ain't a criminal trial. Unless there's reason to accuse the plaintiff of rigging the photo, it'd do. I bet Wyn didn't take one, though.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
No , the photo will show where it probably came from it will not prove where the thorn came from
"Probably" is good enough proof for this.
Not my choice. It's just the standard of proof required in English civil court. Why, what do you think it is?

even though it would prove nothing to what do i think it is , i dont know ,hence the question


@mrj is right. In a small claims court, "probably" is sufficient. A photo of the punctured tyre plus a photo of the path showing the clippings would be sufficient. It's then down to the Judge whether to award a payment or not.

The problem is that it is going to cost £25 to make the claim, and costs are not usually awarded in small claims (the Judge can make an exception if he thinks that the defendant has been particularly egregious - unlikely in this case). If the defendant refuses to settle and takes it to court, it will cost you a further £25, plus the morning off work. So if you want to make the point, go ahead, but it will likely cost you more money than you have already lost.


If someone cuts a hedge there is always going to be a period where the cuttings are going to be on the ground whilst something to clear them up is sought and it's almost certain that not every cutting is collected so whilst one party may be responsible for clippings on the path any judge is likely see the other party as being irresponsible by not taking adequate precautions like having a puncture kit and a spare inner tube with them, the very basics of cycling any distance beyond what is readily walkable.
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