Married to Night Train
- Location
- Salford, UK
Is it a coca-cola logo on your back? (sorry if ive just helped out your stalkers )
You can raise the saddle a little at a time rather than in one go, so you gradually get used to it. Its always fun when you stop on uneven ground and the floors an extra couple of inches away though
Good point about raising it gradually - it'll help you get used to the new position. And if you raise it by increments, it'll be easier to get it right, because you'll know when you've gone too far, if you see what I mean.
I also often take advantage of kerbs to put my foot down and stay on the saddle at lights and so on. The drawback is perhaps that it leaves me closer to the kerb when starting off than might be preferred by many, but I generally move straight out to secondary as I move off, and if I feel I need a stronger position, I just stay out and do the hopping forward off the saddle thing.