Cyclist assaulted by white van man.

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Senior Member
So if a car is dangerously close to you and you slap it as a warning, then you are saying the police and courts would have a problem with that??
In a similar situation I had to slap a car that was dangerously close. What else was I supposed to do? Wave? Ring my bell? Let the car hit me and be run over or crash into railings at 20mph?

I fail to visualise how slapping a car at speed can avoid or prevent an incident like you describe. The best I can come up with is that the slap can only agravate the situation by either upsetting your balance and causing a crash or provoking a suspiciously dangerous driver.
Fewer violent fantasies please.

Matthew you provoked that, there was no need to swing right for those horses, they were well away and calm as anything. Don't try to dominate the road or act as a police officer. It's introducing stress and woe where there's really no need for it.

It goes against all my instincts to agree with you or post a 'like' on your words, but this puts very calmly what I failed to say in several paragraphs of middle-aged jibberish.

I believe there was an intent to slow the van driver down (or similar) and it all went a bit Donald.

Had any of my children ridden like that, it would be bed without supper. And they don't even like my cooking!


Just watched the video (OP) again and I would say with pretty much 100% certainty that the sound heard during contact is 100% not the van hitting the OP's elbow. Sorry - that is a slap on the van from the OP. And that was my first thought on first watching.

In no way does it excuse the tw4t's behaviour in assulting the OP though.

AS someone above has said, if you are prepared to slap a vehicle, you need to be prepared to take it further - and just hope it is not Ken Noyes. :sad:
Don't be daft , north Wales police don't hate drivers, they successfully targeted speeding drivers and achieved spectacular results.
I imagine he's gone and if he returns it will be under another name.

His MGIF thread was slightly cringe-inducing in terms of his casual ignorance and moral tone...

But the mention of a civil claim on the basis clear lies in the "Ouch, WVM bit my finger!" YouTube sensation were too humiliating to allow any return.

If I'd been so spectacularly hoist by my own petard, I'd still be hiding from the postman.

He seems to have a taste for the Justified Video Warrior role though, so we'll see him again. I can't wait! :rolleyes:


dingo's kidneys
But why dont these people see the camera and then calm down? Like the guy in this video:


If I hadnt been wearing a camera, things would probably have been a lot worse. Fortunately he noticed it immediately when he exited the van.

I don't think the guy in the van was speeding at all. Matt was probably going at around 10mph here. Why would you wobble into the middle of the road? Why Why Why??!?! Please don't become a PCSO, you've got terrible judgement.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
I'm sure Matthew did what he did with the best of intentions.

To anyone commenting, what side of the road do we drive on, and what are the rules on overtaking?

If you don't know the person's intentions travelling in front what do you do?

IMO the responsibility for driving safely was the driver of a ton of metal, not Matthew. Our man Matt saw a hazard and reacted to it. Our man in the van went for a gap and gunned it - not knowing what Matthew was doing, and who knows if he even clocked the horses....?

A non-incident right up until the van driver did what he did, and Matthew reacted.


Legendary Member
I have to agree with CP. Matthew may have been over generous in moving out for the horses, but I suspect the van driver was not properly paying attention and panicked a bit in doing the undertake at speed.


I'm sure Matthew did what he did with the best of intentions.

To anyone commenting, what side of the road do we drive on, and what are the rules on overtaking?

If you don't know the person's intentions travelling in front what do you do?

IMO the responsibility for driving safely was the driver of a ton of metal, not Matthew. Our man Matt saw a hazard and reacted to it. Our man in the van went for a gap and gunned it - not knowing what Matthew was doing, and who knows if he even clocked the horses....?

A non-incident right up until the van driver did what he did, and Matthew reacted.

I think this is the best summary of Matthew's vid. Why is it that we give Matthew the abuse and not the driver of the big heavy white metal box, who is possibly exceeding the legal speed limit?

I understand that Matthew sometimes goes about things in the wrong way and that one day he will probably get himself into a situation that most of us generally try to avoid. But he *is* acting in his best intentions. Isnt he?

On the reverse; was the way the van driver drives his van sensible, safe or well intentioned? Could he stop in the distance he sees to be clear? Or was it simply the general attudide most people have on the roads where we seem to always want to go faster, and anything that makes us slow down is an annoyance?

I wouldnt have reacted how Matthew did. I proabably would have moved into a secondary position in the main lane, outside of the cycle lane, half way between the two hazards. But then... I have 20/20 hindsight.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
remember unless you get killed by a tipper truck travelling 1000 miles an hour towards you in the wrong lane, whilst you are cycling in primary wearing a helmet don't post any videos. Even then if it's deemed that as the truck hurtled towards you your hand flicked out and tapped it last minute you deserve everything you get.
I seriously hope that you do not find pleasure in watching cyclists die. If you do then you are no better than the boys that killed James Bulger.
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