Dog in the old life yet

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Can you get on a more run friendly surface than tarmac ? It might help the old bones ?
Who you calling old, he's the same age as me ! :stop:


Legendary Member
I think Drago is in his 90s.
...more like 120 isn't it, if we are talking kgs?

Which is fundamentally his problem, even he gets himself fit he needs to lose 50kg to get somewhere near a distance runners build. Genetics is against him.

The guys in their 50's who I know, who can run 5 minute miles, are sub 65kg and competing on the masters triathlon circuit.
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Legendary Member
Went out last night, managed an even slower time. I my defence I was running to the next village and back and itnaas like and ice rink so I was treading very gingerly. Ache this morning but not so bad, so will be out tomorrow, humming the motivational Rocky training music as I go.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Went out last night, managed an even slower time. I my defence I was running to the next village and back and itnaas like and ice rink so I was treading very gingerly. Ache this morning but not so bad, so will be out tomorrow, humming the motivational Rocky training music as I go.

Psst, get some rollerskates and use dog propulsion ! :okay: Pop it on strava, no-one will know !

Fat Lars

Well-Known Member
My goal is simple but tough. I want to live to a hundred and retain my health to enjoy it. That means living a healthy lifestyle, including regular resistance training, HIIT three times a week and a diet that includes intermittent fasting and low carbs and selected supplements to bolster my immune system.
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