Dr Who; What rubbish!

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captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Caution : SPOILERS AHEAD:stop:

A rather dull sequel to The Girl in the Fireplace. Capaldi is very good and brings much needed gravitas to the show that was getting a bit juvenile.

the 'I'm Scottish...oh, I can really complain now ...' gag
Strax's bungled entrance in the martial-arts fight scene
References to a certain long scarf, Capaldi being all gangly, mood-swinging and angry, post regeneration
The Doctor finally telling his companion that he's not their boyfriend - The Doctor & Potential Girlfriend idea was getting thin on me.
Lighting redesign inside Tardis - looks more moody
New title sequence (made by a fan, apparently)
The cryptic ending - is that woman River Song in disguise?. Is the Promised Land part of the virtual reality, created by the great library computer, where Tenant's Doctor left River after she died...????. This season's motif is intriguing.


New version of theme which is b****y awful. It's worse than the 80's synth-pop theme that Sylvester McCoy got lumbered with:sad:. I long for the neck-hair tingling old Delia Derbyshire original that had you heading for the rear of the sofa.
Dinosaurs really weren't that big.
The Doctor apparently speaking Dinosaur & horse (liked the 'liberating your pet' line though). I cringed at him understanding 'baby' a season or two earlier, but this is awful. I expect it's leading to a bad Dr Dolittle joke somewhere down the line.
Clara not 'knowing' who the Doctor is, being shocked at his regeneration etc. Obvious plot hole as she's been inside his time stream, thus meeting with all of his incarnations so you think she'd know he would change and be more accepting of a new face. This plot hole gets expanded a bit by an unexpected cameo :blush:

However, I think once a few episodes in, Capaldi will hit his stride and be a great Doctor.

Dan B

Disengaged member
Did you watch Torchwood? :smooch:

Personally i feel we live in an age in which, if it's OK to show two people kissing on the telly, it doesn't have to be a heterosexual kiss.

I observe that the objection is to their both being women, but it's apparently not a problem that one of them is a lizard?


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll

New version of theme which is b****y awful. It's worse than the 80's synth-pop theme that Sylvester McCoy got lumbered with:sad:. I long for the neck-hair tingling old Delia Derbyshire original that had you heading for the rear of the sofa.

Couldn't agree more... what exactly are they trying to achieve? The fecking feckwits!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I observe that the objection is to their both being women, but it's apparently not a problem that one of them is a lizard?
children might be watching, and they shouldn't be allowed to find out that some girls like girls better than boys and some boys like boys better than girls until they're all grown up.... it's just a bit of left over garbage from the day of the theist.


Legendary Member
I am a dr who fan and enjoyed it. Peter capaldi is going to take some getting used to as the Dr, but I think he will be good, as he can do sinister and comic.

The last series was the worst since it came back, for me, with some rubbish storylines. I am hopeful this series will be better.


Legendary Member
I observe that the objection is to their both being women, but it's apparently not a problem that one of them is a lizard?

It wouldn't be perverted it if were a male lizard - bestiality's fine if it's male-female after all :-)


Legendary Member
Caution : SPOILERS AHEAD:stop:

A rather dull sequel to The Girl in the Fireplace. Capaldi is very good and brings much needed gravitas to the show that was getting a bit juvenile.

the 'I'm Scottish...oh, I can really complain now ...' gag
Strax's bungled entrance in the martial-arts fight scene
References to a certain long scarf, Capaldi being all gangly, mood-swinging and angry, post regeneration
The Doctor finally telling his companion that he's not their boyfriend - The Doctor & Potential Girlfriend idea was getting thin on me.
Lighting redesign inside Tardis - looks more moody
New title sequence (made by a fan, apparently)
The cryptic ending - is that woman River Song in disguise?. Is the Promised Land part of the virtual reality, created by the great library computer, where Tenant's Doctor left River after she died...????. This season's motif is intriguing.


New version of theme which is b****y awful. It's worse than the 80's synth-pop theme that Sylvester McCoy got lumbered with:sad:. I long for the neck-hair tingling old Delia Derbyshire original that had you heading for the rear of the sofa.
Dinosaurs really weren't that big.
The Doctor apparently speaking Dinosaur & horse (liked the 'liberating your pet' line though). I cringed at him understanding 'baby' a season or two earlier, but this is awful. I expect it's leading to a bad Dr Dolittle joke somewhere down the line.
Clara not 'knowing' who the Doctor is, being shocked at his regeneration etc. Obvious plot hole as she's been inside his time stream, thus meeting with all of his incarnations so you think she'd know he would change and be more accepting of a new face. This plot hole gets expanded a bit by an unexpected cameo :blush:

However, I think once a few episodes in, Capaldi will hit his stride and be a great Doctor.

Mostly agree, but I would defend the new theme tune (and title sequence) .Of course, .Delia's version is unsurpassable, but the new theme is arguably 2nd best - even if it's not a close second by any means.

Joshua Plumtree

Approaching perfection from a distance.
I observe that the objection is to their both being women, but it's apparently not a problem that one of them is a lizard?

Nope, never bothered me before. :evil:

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
@Over The Hill : perhaps you should append "[spoilers]" to the title of this thread? Some of us will want to watch Doctor Who later on, when it goes to DVD, and this thread seems to be leaking plot details daily.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Never took much interest after Patrick Troughton, although I did return while Peri was an assistant.:blush:

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