Dr Who; What rubbish!

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But why does the lizard woman have breasts?

Geeky pervy middle-class schoolboys who never grew up? And who think their nanny was a lizard. Maybe.


Cycling in the sun
I watched it and found it confusing, but it always takes a couple of episodes for me to get the hang of a new doctor. It's one of those family viewing programs in our house, and it's rare that we all sit down to watch the same thing. My favourite recent doctor is still David Tennant.
Man watches a thing he does not like, and finds it he does not like it shock.

I was trying to go a bit beyond that. My reason for not liking it was the poor script and they was the story just made no sense and did not tie up. Things were just put in (like passing the magic biro from the doctor to the girl) just to create a dramatic few seconds. The plot was just full of holes. If it had been well written I would probably have enjoyed it.

Most drama is written quite tightly, with every scene, character and line being essential for the whole story and the whole story moves along with some logic (even in the context of fantasy). This did not.

It seems though that this gripe is just me. We are up to post 72 and really no one seems to agree or really even pick up on this. So I will go back to quietly ignoring it!


Legendary Member
You're not entirely on your own, tho' I wouldn't be quite as harsh as you. To copy 'n paste from another board (can't be bothered to retype, not minded to reconsider):

"Having rather drifted away from Doctor Who in recent years, I decided to give this one a go, not least on account of my respect for Capaldi and my feeling that he was just the right bloke to make a go of the Doctor. As, then, an 'undecided' - which is to say, neither a hard-core fan nor a determined naysayer - I'm afraid I have to say I find myself drawn rather more to the antis than to the enthusiasts.

What was with the dinosaur? Mr Half-Face had, we were told, been nicking bits off people all over town to rebuild himself. Ok, so far, so Dr Who. But then we hear that he wanted a bit of optic nerve from a T Rex. So that was his shopping list was it? Eight people and one 300 ft dinosaur. Un-hunh.

I'm always keen to cut the talent some slack, and I do buy the idea that a scene-setting, new Dr introducing episode is always going to be a challenge. But this, I'm afraid, just struck me as a muddle: a triumph of style over content, and a powerful reminder that you can throw any budget, any CGI, and even the best acting talent at a script, but unless that script is grounded in, and driven by, a story, you'll end up with a turkey.

Capaldi was excellent."


Legendary Member
I watched it with my youngest,thoughts are,exterminate and replace with repeats of The Generation Game.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Perhaps I'm too easily pleased but I enjoyed it simply because I abandon disbelief whenever I watch Dr Who. Those who expect tightness of plot without fault have their expectations set too high.


Legendary Member
Perhaps I'm too easily pleased but I enjoyed it simply because I abandon disbelief whenever I watch Dr Who. Those who expect tightness of plot without fault have their expectations set too high.

Quite - if "tightness of plot" is a primary concern, then that's most Of Shakespeare outfor a start. The best sci fi is about a "sense of wonder" which Doctor Who generally has. and anyway, I thought the plot was pretty solid, with virtually every element having a purpose. Any other geeks spot the watch thing? that's got to be going somewhere.


If you think Dr Who is rubbish try New Tricks. Nicholas Lyndhurst has the acting ability of driftwood........ in my opinion of course.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Just watched it on iPlayer. To give it its due, it was better than I thought it would be. It was very cyber-punky. I recently read a cyber-punk book and I recognize the style.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
One thing I don't understand is that the doctor said he was over 2000 years old, but I am sure I read, in a book commerating 30 years of Dr Who, that he was only about 960 years old. It's only been 20 years, and he has always had an Earthling companion with him, so how does this work out.


Legendary Member
One thing I don't understand is that the doctor said he was over 2000 years old, but I am sure I read, in a book commerating 30 years of Dr Who, that he was only about 960 years old. It's only been 20 years, and he has always had an Earthling companion with him, so how does this work out.

NURSE! :wacko:
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