Drago's Winter 2020/21 deathkill slaughter murder carnage annihilation snow thread

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Now I'm feeling thoroughly left out.

To make it more pointed we have overcast weather and drizzle, and when there's a gap in the clouds the Black Forest, a few kilometres away is dusted with snow.


It's because of the kids not the teachers but hey never let facts etc
According to the twitter and email posts from the head ... it’s because the teachers cannot drive into work .... the children can, and do, walk into school through the 3 inch deep snow drifts .... .... but hey never let the facts etc


Most teachers do not live near to where they work. Snow conditions can vary wildly within a few miles. Schools do not need to have too many teachers unable to get to work before they are below the legal limit for safe supervision. So for an individual school,
it depends where their staff live. Schools have to make the decision on this basis whether to close or remain open early before the pupils set off or the parents go to work.
In the future, expect schools to close more frequently rather than as a last resort, decisions to be made earlier or even the night before but for lessons to move online and attendance online to be as compulsory as it would be in person.
Most teachers do not live near to where they work. Snow conditions can vary wildly within a few miles. Schools do not need to have too many teachers unable to get to work before they are below the legal limit for safe supervision. So for an individual school,
it depends where their staff live. Schools have to make the decision on this basis whether to close or remain open early before the pupils set off or the parents go to work.
In the future, expect schools to close more frequently rather than as a last resort, decisions to be made earlier or even the night before but for lessons to move online and attendance online to be as compulsory as it would be in person.

Julia. Thanks for taking the time to explain that. :okay:

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
The “Beast from the East” is getting worse, do we also need to call the navy in? Or shall we just get about as normal on our bikes, like in the old days?

Love cycling in snow. Takes me back to my school days when many of us would cycle to school in snow most winters.




Legendary Member
Northern Germany
Now I'm feeling thoroughly left out.

To make it more pointed we have overcast weather and drizzle, and when there's a gap in the clouds the Black Forest, a few kilometres away is dusted with snow.

Andy do you want me to send you some down south? we have plenty up here, enough to go around for everyone. It's not stopped all day, must be a good 30cm's at least in places.


Totally sick of the weather now. Sick of snow, sick of being permanently cold, sick of it taking ages to get out of the house due to the finding of all the gloves, hats etc. Not that I have any actual reason to leave the house. Sick of painful, freezing fingers and toes if I do go out on my bike. Sick of February, sick of winter. Rant over.

And breathe . . .


Well-Known Member
Totally sick of the weather now. Sick of snow, sick of being permanently cold, sick of it taking ages to get out of the house due to the finding of all the gloves, hats etc. Not that I have any actual reason to leave the house. Sick of painful, freezing fingers and toes if I do go out on my bike. Sick of February, sick of winter. Rant over.

And breathe . . .

We are through the worst of it now. In three weeks ull be sat on the patio in blazing sunshine having a barbecue and a glass of wine. Sunscreen will be the next toilet roll shortage fiasco. Guaranteed. Maybe........


More wheels than sense
I’ve never really understood this as it seems to me any kid over the age of about six is able to cope with snow and ice much better than most adults.

I’d always assumed this was an excuse used by teachers so they didn’t have to go into work and put up with the horrid little blighters?

Come to think of it I was basing that on the schools in my home town in a rural - ish area where some the kids travelled in a fair way.
So still a fact but a very local one .
my size 14US winter boots needed more real estate so I swapped in some Rock Bros platform pedals & pedal extenders on the hybrid. wonder if I'll get another cold weather ride in before spring. I'm betting yes & more than one. the more I use them, the lower the cost per ride is (CPR) yuk yuk



bigger than the Wellgos on the MTB so they may be moving to that bike come Spring


this is what I took off
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