Explosion at Manchester Arena

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rugby bloke

In this day and age of almost constant shocking / bad news it is easy to become a little immune to it. I think this is a natural reaction to help deal with it. However, this attack is more shocking for me, firstly it targeted children and secondly it was a suicide bomber. As a father of a 5 year old I find it harder to switch off from it today, whilst trying to work it keeps popping into my mind. Very sad.
I agree with these thoughts. This is such a terrible event it stands out even more starkly. It also reminds me of the Omagh bombing, with a sense that, even in the twisted world of terrorism, a line had been crossed.
My thoughts are with all those that are suffering.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
What can you say
I think we can say much. For those asking themselves what they can do to help the answer is quite clear. We have to stand-up every day to those who spread hate and division and that inclludes our inglorious leaders. We have to first change the national narrative in the hope it will change the international narrative. Nothing will improve while hate remains the political and social agenda.
We can hope that some small good will come from such dreadful acts and that the hose that lost their lives did not do so in vain.
Stand-up, be counted.


The complainers are already at it.

One chap has just been interviewed on TV complaining to the effect of security was rubbish, because they were only searching a random sample of people. He seems not to have grasped that if they'd tried to search the terrorist he'd have pressed the button and the result would be the same.

There's no defence except vigilance, and not letting cowardly scum affect our lives

This daffodil needs throat chopping. If you allow the "insert word" people to have an effect on your daily life or live in fear then they in some small way have won.
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Tin Pot

The complainers are already at it.

One chap has just been interviewed on TV complaining to the effect of security was rubbish, because they were only searching a random sample of people. He seems not to have grasped that if they'd tried to search the terrorist he'd have pressed the button and the result would be the same.

There's no defence except vigilance, and not letting cowardly scum affect our lives

We'll be fair, he's probably just scared - I would be.

There's a job going for Strategic Security & Counterterrorism Director in the City, so I've thrown my hat in the ring this morning. Maybe the crossover from cyber is worth something to them.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The attack was outside of the security checks. Everyone is searched going into the Arena. The attack was in a public space next to/In Victoria station.


Legendary Member
[QUOTE 4812852, member: 45"]Last night's attack will make concert venues safer.

Last night's attack united Manchester immediately. What was intended to spread hate has prompted the opposite. Today the attack is uniting the country, regardless of religion.

Remember, our children are more likely to be killed crossing the road to school.

Terrorism only succeeds if we let it.[/QUOTE]

Nearly got a full house of clichés there @User , but all are true and valid
The complainers are already at it.

One chap has just been interviewed on TV complaining to the effect of security was rubbish, because they were only searching a random sample of people. He seems not to have grasped that if they'd tried to search the terrorist he'd have pressed the button and the result would be the same.

There's no defence except vigilance, and not letting cowardly scum affect our lives
If someone is that determined to carry out an atrocity of this type there is very little you can do on the ground on the day. Blaming local security or the police at the venue is asinine... if anything we should be thanking them... who's to say the presence of security or the police didn't stop the bomber from getting to an even more densely populated part of the venue...


Leg End Member
The attack was outside of the security checks. Everyone is searched going into the Arena. The attack was in a public space next to/In Victoria station.
Listening last night/this morning, it was just inside the doors of the building. In a sale area.

I wonder if they found the fella that was going into shops and buying food and drinks for those there last night.


Legendary Member
The police believe they know who the bomber was and have also arrested another man in connection with the attack. The police and security forces know who a many of these extremists are. Round them all up before they carry out these attacks.
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