FNRttC FNRttC 7th August to Felpham near Bognor Regis 2009

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mike e

Cheers guy's, Andrij I have ridden the Friday night ride to Southend with the gang in April but been from Hull it is not my neck of the woods :laugh: so I could only remember odds and sods of the route. I would like to take you up on your kind offer of guiding me into HPC however.


I've got several of the Southend FNRttC routes on my Bikely account, although you obviously have to reverse these if your direction was into London:

April 2009
September 2008
June 2008 (using Dartford Crossing)


Silencing his legs regularly
MacBludgeon said:
well, that's to be decided several times between now and the off. Possibles are:-

do night ride and train home - unlikely

do night ride and return - highly likely

Direction, quality and makeup of the return is up for grabs. I can say that heading straight North will take you Chichester, Midhurst, Haslemere, Hindhead, Aldershot and, coincidentally, Farnborough. This is about 45 miles of your finest riding from Felpham and leaves 20ish miles to Staines and about 36 miles back to HPC. I need to decide if I want to brutalise myself again in the region of Haslemere, I probably will. however I hope that I get a bit more sleep in the week preceding this ride.

Might I suggest as (relatively speaking) a local, best route out of Felpham (in terms of avoiding too much traffic and a couple of rather hairy roundabouts, plus scenic beauty) would be: round to and then along Bognor seafront, through Aldwick (I keep going another way, but this one is simpler and probably shorter), then up the B1266, turning off onto Vinnetrow Road to head north towards Chi- going this way takes you up to a bridge over another exceedingly hairy roundabout and leads directly onto a nice easy cycle route into & through the city centre. Well, that's the way I'm going....


pre-talced and mighty
gbs said:
If the chalk road is skinny road tyre manageable or alternatively is not excessively long (say 1 k or so) I would like to go.
I've done it twice on 23m tyres. It's about 1km long. We have time in the budget for people to walk it.


pre-talced and mighty
Katsura I
Kadu G G
Graham H
Rich P
Stuart A
Ned L (sl)
Charlotte (sl)
Clive B
Anthony McC
Andrij B
Stephen M
Mike E
Tim O
Flying Dodo
Adrian C
I've got Wigsie, Tynan, Claudine and Andrea down as possibles. Wigise, you're going to have to send me an e-mail on fnrttc@yahoo.co.uk so that I can take you through the initiation thing


pre-talced and mighty
beatleandrew said:
Is the off-road section of this route very long? I'll be on a road bike which could be a bit upset with me if I direct it over ground that's not to its liking.
see above - 1km, and you can walk it if you want

beatleandrew said:
How many people tend to ride back to London afterwards and what kind of pace do they make?
usually half a dozen or so. Aperitif can answer for the pace, but 15mph is what I'm told.
beatleandrew - we launch rapidly, deploy at medium pace and have been known to arrive later the next day...

..but generally, I'm an advocate of group riding, yes 25kph - slower, bit faster - but together. Particularly as we all find it a bit testing now and again. Can't have a laugh if you whizz away from the delicate social intercourse.

This ride will, most probably, be a return upwards from Bongo to the Surrey hills eventually, Farnborough perhaps, return for me via the A30 - towards London.
Or something completely different!
Come along! :biggrin:


New Member
Count me in for this one then! I'll be heading back to Kingston-upon-Thames so a return via Surrey Hills suits me fine.

Thanks for your replies!


Here for rides.
StuAff said:
Might I suggest as (relatively speaking) a local, best route out of Felpham (in terms of avoiding too much traffic and a couple of rather hairy roundabouts, plus scenic beauty) would be: round to and then along Bognor seafront, through Aldwick (I keep going another way, but this one is simpler and probably shorter), then up the B1266, turning off onto Vinnetrow Road to head north towards Chi- going this way takes you up to a bridge over another exceedingly hairy roundabout and leads directly onto a nice easy cycle route into & through the city centre. Well, that's the way I'm going....

a very excellent bognor et environs escape route and one I use frequently


Über Member
dellzeqq said:
Listen. Get over it. You believed it at the time, and that's what mattered. You're not the first, and certainly not the last to be taken in by that kind of crap. Ask Notsototalnewbie. And there's otherwise sane people hanging on the meteorological prognostications of my cat.

And I never said slight. Did I? (If I did, then that was naughty. Apologies)

I did get over it actually, much to my surprise :@) Am seriously considering the August ride but don't want to hold the whole ride up, hence why I need to know it's tacklable. Hmmmm, so tempting......


Here for rides.
Wheeledweenie said:
I did get over it actually, much to my surprise :@) Am seriously considering the August ride but don't want to hold the whole ride up, hence why I need to know it's tacklable. Hmmmm, so tempting......

As the FNRttC peleton always waits for the TEC's and the lanterne rouge, and everyone who participates understands this, I think you should give it a go. You were perfectly compos mentis over breakfast on Saturday and looked fresh enough to do it all again.

I'm a local yokel from 'ere in zuzzex. I'd say Turners Hill + Ditchling Beacon is a greater challenge than anything the pre-talced and mighty one has suggested along the Bognor route, so far as I understand it. The uberhill of Houghton is sensibly being bypassed in favour of a delightful (I've checked) off road excursion which can be walked, without shame, by those riding velos of the glass and eggshell or teeny-weeny tyred variety.

GO FOR IT - you won't regret it :biggrin: I can't come and I regret it already.


Lover of things that come in 3's
GrumpyGreg said:
The uberhill of Houghton is sensibly being bypassed in favour of a delightful (I've checked) off road excursion which can be walked, without shame, by those riding velos of the glass and eggshell or teeny-weeny tyred variety.

uber hill, can we really pass that up, could there be an option for some to go the hill route and others the off road and meet up the far side? What am I saying? maybe this should be on the sexuality thread, am I developing masochistic tendencies?


pre-talced and mighty
Wheeledweenie said:
I did get over it actually, much to my surprise :@) Am seriously considering the August ride but don't want to hold the whole ride up, hence why I need to know it's tacklable. Hmmmm, so tempting......
in my judgement your worries are misplaced. I'd lose some weight off the bike if you can, and go for a longish flat ride in the interim, because I think that the greatest strain on this ride for those not used to the distance will be on the back, shoulders and (ahem) seat, and it doesn't hurt do a bit of breaking in. I recall you had straight bars - consider fitting bar ends which will come in handy on the flat - there are stretches that go for miles at a time without any real ups and downs. And, to be absolutely clear, you will certainly not be the slowest.
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