Got swore at on camera...

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New Member
4F said:
I beg to differ, if that moton had been me then what she said would have been tame in comparison. Cab needs to get of his high horse.

What, you'd have interjected in a conversation between two cyclists, asked for explanation, and got even more shirty that the cyclists had expressed pretty minor irritation at your road position that had slowed them up for no gain for yourself?


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Having watched it again, I think she did nothing wrong. You created that unpleasant situation quite unnecessarily.


New Member
BentMikey said:
Having watched it again, I think she did nothing wrong. You created that unpleasant situation quite unnecessarily.

I didn't start the discussion with her, and I didn't block the road. The two cyclists couldn't both get past her at the same time, and as we know each other we exchanged comments about her road position (which was anomalous; it isn't where motorists there wait when there is oncoming traffic). When she moved to the side we could both pass her; the only thing that I could have done to avoid being sworn at was not answer her request to repeat what we'd been saying to each other (and not to her). As said comment wouldn't add much to my journey and it would add nothing to hers, I repeated it. If you don't want to hear criticism of your driving, don't ask for it. And don't swear at someone who you've asked.

She created that; I could have refused to answer her, but I'm not convinced that would have been any more useful.


Cab said:
I didn't start the discussion with her
I think that's something that most would agree with. IMO, what you started with her was a lecture.

Had you approached it differently, it could have been a pleasant "I had a chat with a motorist this morning..." thread rather than a "I'm threatened to report someone that I lost my cool with..." thread.

Cab said:
I could have refused to answer her, but I'm not convinced that would have been any more useful.
I think that your barricades are high enough that no amount of feedback will get through, Cab, but what you could also have done is dropped the sarcasm, thanked her for stopping and pointed out that, whilst her actions were well intentioned, you feel that she could have stopped in a better position.


Lover of things that come in 3's
Cab said:
What, you'd have interjected in a conversation between two cyclists, asked for explanation, and got even more shirty that the cyclists had expressed pretty minor irritation at your road position that had slowed them up for no gain for yourself?

My God, have you listened to yourself, it's like a bloody schoolkid saying:-

was talking about you not to you

I hope your new Muji is a reasonable shape coz, if you carry on like this, we'll be seeing an 'Inside Cab' documentary in the literal sense. Or do you reserve this for women and elderly people?


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Cab said:
What, you'd have interjected in a conversation between two cyclists, asked for explanation, and got even more shirty that the cyclists had expressed pretty minor irritation at your road position that had slowed them up for no gain for yourself?

She gave you plenty of space to pass, her positioning with regard to the rubbish lorry was hers to make and did not warrant any comments from you.

You should have said thanks to her for stopping and got on with it before getting all self rightous with the other cyclist.

The longer you go on trying to justify your behaviour the bigger fool you are making yourself look.


New Member
Norm said:
I think that's something that most would agree with. IMO, what you started with her was a lecture.

She asked...

Had you approached it differently, it could have been a pleasant "I had a chat with a motorist this morning..." thread rather than a "I'm threatened to report someone that I lost my cool with..." thread.

Oh, here I accept that I lost my cool after she swore at me! It seemed needless; her positioning was poor, her request to be told what we were discussing shouldn't have been followed by being so rude, and for a moment I lost my cool.

I think that your barricades are high enough that no amount of feedback will get through, Cab, but what you could also have done is dropped the sarcasm, thanked her for stopping and pointed out that, whilst her actions were well intentioned, you feel that she could have stopped in a better position.

Thats fair criticism. Whether it would have helped is, I think, questionable. I'm sure that she uses that road regularly, and I'm equally sure that she knew her position would require a tight squeeze from me. But you're right, I could have answered her in a more light hearted way.


New Member
4F said:
She gave you plenty of space to pass, her positioning with regard to the rubbish lorry was hers to make and did not warrant any comments from you.

Err, no, what warranted comment was that she asked what me and the other cyclist were saying; passing there was very difficult due to the road condition and space, and her choice to move aside only once I'd reached the site and couldn't pass was sufficient for the two of us on bikes to both be just a little put out.

Had she not wound her window down to ask, I'd not have said anything to her.


the tank engine
Cab said:
I didn't start the discussion with her, and I didn't block the road. The two cyclists couldn't both get past her at the same time, and as we know each other we exchanged comments about her road position (which was anomalous; it isn't where motorists there wait when there is oncoming traffic).

To be fair though. The other cyclist should have waited behind her so you could get through as you'd of had 'priority', then they could have gone.

I'm sure she could of stopped somewhere better, but ultimately was her positioning actually bad? It maybe took you a few seconds longer...


New Member
thomas said:
To be fair though. The other cyclist should have waited behind her so you could get through as you'd of had 'priority', then they could have gone.

The timing was that he appeared behind her, we made eye contact, I put a foot down (couldn't have gone anywhere), she started moving to the side, the other guy saw I'd stopped and came forward as she moved to the side. I think he just didn't get why she'd stopped in the middle of the road rather than in a place leaving a gap, and neither did I, hence 'where are you planning to go' said to myself on the way down.

I'm sure she could of stopped somewhere better, but ultimately was her positioning actually bad? It maybe took you a few seconds longer...

The road isn't wide enough to pass. If I'm going in that direction and I see a car coming the other way, I stop and wait behind the first parked car, as do the vast majority of road users there. Was it bad? Yes. Was it so bad that it would in itself be sufficient to be dreadfully offended? No. Add in the position of the pot holes and it becomes a real problem getting past her.

The few seconds time taken to pass aren't an issue; I'd simply hope that in that position she'd choose not to block the road next time.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Cab, you're going on like a burst backside again. You're simply wrong, get over it. Why do you think no-one on here is agreeing with you? She left you plenty of space to pass.


New Member
BentMikey said:
Cab, you're going on like a burst backside again. You're simply wrong, get over it. Why do you think no-one on here is agreeing with you? She left you plenty of space to pass.

She eventually made space to pass, which is a good thing, after first needlessly obstructing the road to oncoming traffic, which is a bad thing. And please, you're being rude; stop it.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
She wasn't obstructing you at all, she nicely pulled into a space to allow you past. Said rudeness is coming because of your sheer inability to learn from your mistakes. Sorry.


the tank engine
Cab said:
She eventually made space to pass, which is a good thing, after first needlessly obstructing the road to oncoming traffic, which is a bad thing. And please, you're being rude; stop it.

She was a little hesitant. Better than some of the motorists who seem to think after pulling a manoeuvre.


New Member
thomas said:
She was a little hesitant. Better than some of the motorists who seem to think after pulling a manoeuvre.

I'd have said very hesitant; she moved over only after it became clear that I wansn't going to go through the pot-hole. Her decision to hold the road there and obstruct (even inconvenience) the other traffic is different to what I choose to do at that corner, going in the same direction she was going.

Its basically a daily event that vehicles will have to pass there, and on almost all occasions the vehicle that can stop before entering the space between parked cars does so to allow oncoming vehicles to pass unhindered. Thats the right thing to do.
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