Got swore at on camera...

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Secret Lemonade Drinker
I have skim read this thread, and then watched the video twice without sound.

I see a cyclist riding along a road, cars parked either side. A burgundy car turns onto the road and meets the cyclist. At 24 secs the cyclist crosses the pot-holed area and the car turns and moves to their nearside. The camera cyclist looks up and down the road. At 29 secs the cyclist behind the car overtakes and passes the camera cyclist to the left. 30 seconds the driver winds the window down. Between 31 seconds and 37 seconds there is a comunique between the two parties which ends with a two fingered salute from the driver before she drives off. 45 secs, after watching her drive away the cyclist resumes in the original direction.

Facts as I saw them on the video.

Now I will watch it with the sound on.

16 secs...."Where were you planning to go?"

25 secs (other cyclist??).."Dunno how he's gonna get through?"

27 secs..(To the other cyclist?)....."You have to wonder where they're planning to go, don't you, with a bin van there, and the road blocked here?"

31 secs...(driver?)...."Sorry?"

32 secs, "I just wonder where you're planning to go? Bin van there, road's blocked from you (inaudible?)

33 secs (Driver) "Yes, I can see that thank you, fcuk yourself"

37 secs, two finger salute and something inaudible from the driver, cyclist, "So don't block the road then"

39 secs......"...(inaudible)" before she drives off

The cyclist then states he has it on tape, will report it to the police, and reels off the reg.

IMO it's her loss to sit in a street behind a bin van, but that's it - her loss - and nothing to do with you. Your and the other cyclist's reasoning of her driving is just your own opinion. On the swearing front you (IMO) also have a sticky wicket. She could say she felt threatened or intimidated by your actions???? S5 POA is engaging in behaviour likely to cause harassment, ALARM or DISTRESS. Saying fcuk you as she drove off whilst technically covered is grasping at straws.

[Devil's Advocate wig on]

She could say she felt alarmed or distressed by your actions. A male cyclist stopping her and having a go???

Better to leave her to stew in her own juices than get involved?

From what I saw she moved out of your way as you approached, so she wasn't impeding you. Once past, her ability to get along the street IMO is none of your concern.

Have a cup of tea and forget it.

There's a LOT WORSE going on out there than this.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Still, there was no need for her response.

I beg to differ, if that moton had been me then what she said would have been tame in comparison. Cab needs to get of his high horse.


Cab said:
I didn't instigate anything; she chose the road position, she chose to wind her window down to talk, she chose to respond by being rude.
I can't help but feel that you did instigate it, with the self-righteous tone in your voice if nothing else. From the video I watched, she came round the corner, saw you coming towards her, couldn't reverse because there was a bike behind her, and got a lecture by way of thanks for waiting.

You made something from nothing, IMO, and rather than thanking her for waiting whilst you came through, she got a mouthful and threatened with being reported to the police. wtf over?

If anyone did wrong, it would be the other cyclist pushing through.

Cyclist blinkers, IMO.
Norm said:
I can't help but feel that you did instigate it, with the self-righteous tone in your voice if nothing else. From the video I watched, she came round the corner, saw you coming towards her, couldn't reverse because there was a bike behind her, and got a lecture by way of thanks for waiting.

You made something from nothing, IMO, and rather than thanking her for waiting whilst you came through, she got a mouthful and threatened with being reported to the police. wtf over?

If anyone did wrong, it would be the other cyclist pushing through.

Cyclist blinkers, IMO.


On my commute I would have been thankful that she stopped and appeared to wait for me to get to the end of a narrow road, given her a thanks and carried on.


Lover of things that come in 3's
Well Cab, you're serving one purpose here, you're making Mags look good:tongue:
I could see myself waiting in the exact same place to be honest. Whetehr looking for cyclists or not, fact is that approaching cars are seen earlier than cyclists because they are bigger - and nothing can be done about that.

From my experience, many drivers are likely to carry on demanding that you squeeze into a gap the width of a door mirror

What I wouldn't have done is engaged you in any dialogue, just driven on after you'd passed.

It seems to me like the main thing was the issue of dialogue, both parties being a little bullish and I wonder if in a different situation, the conversation couldn't have been more like "these potholes are a pain" - "sorry, didn't notice them" "bout time they got filled in" "bloody council...ta-ta"


Nr Cambridge
Norm said:
I can't help but feel that you did instigate it, with the self-righteous tone in your voice if nothing else. From the video I watched, she came round the corner, saw you coming towards her, couldn't reverse because there was a bike behind her, and got a lecture by way of thanks for waiting.

You made something from nothing, IMO, and rather than thanking her for waiting whilst you came through, she got a mouthful and threatened with being reported to the police. wtf over?

If anyone did wrong, it would be the other cyclist pushing through.

Cyclist blinkers, IMO.

Norm said:
You made something from nothing, IMO, and rather than thanking her for waiting whilst you came through, she got a mouthful and threatened with being reported to the police. wtf over?
+1 I think Cab is making a mountain out of a molehill. She seemed to sit back and let him through and perhaps even tried to move over to her left a bit to let him through. If she wants to sit behind a stationary bin lorry thats her prerogative, let her; it doesn't need a comment.


New Member
4F said:
Cab the potholes are level with the parked van. By your logic you would have to be next to the pavement on the right hand side to avoid those potholes.

Also why does the cyclist following the van not wait as you clearly have right of way and why do you let him pass ?

I think the problem here is you and your attitude to motorists.

Don't understand what you're saying about the pot holes. I couldn't get past the holes and the car in front till she moved to the side; the cyclist behind her clearly had no idea why she'd stopped in the middle of the road, the two of us made eye contact, I could see he wanted round and that either way it would be one at a time, we had no real idea why she'd stopped there, so I let him pass. Attitude? I had nowhere to go, the two cyclists exchanged comments, she asked for them to be repeated.


New Member
ComedyPilot said:
IMO it's her loss to sit in a street behind a bin van, but that's it - her loss - and nothing to do with you. Your and the other cyclist's reasoning of her driving is just your own opinion. On the swearing front you (IMO) also have a sticky wicket. She could say she felt threatened or intimidated by your actions???? S5 POA is engaging in behaviour likely to cause harassment, ALARM or DISTRESS. Saying fcuk you as she drove off whilst technically covered is grasping at straws.

I didn't especially want a discussion with her. It is her loss, but I wouldn't have pointed this out to her had she not asked. Once she's asked to be in on a discussion like that, its a bit rum to react so negatively. That, basically, is more or less the sum of it.

From what I saw she moved out of your way as you approached, so she wasn't impeding you. Once past, her ability to get along the street IMO is none of your concern.

The criticism I'd make of her road position is that she's quite needlessly taken the middle of the road; thats blocking the cyclist behind her, and the cyclist in front of her. It made passing her there before she moved aside nearly impossible, by the time she started to do that me and the other chap were already rather bemused. Given the choice between blocking the road and not blocking the road, most (indeed the vast bulk) of drivers there wait behind the rearmost parked car. To not do so and follow that with swearing... Its very mean spirited, and to do it in your well labelled company vehicle just seems to be saying 'don't ever come near my shop' to me.

Have a cup of tea and forget it.

There's a LOT WORSE going on out there than this.

Absolutely. This isn't something I've sought to make a big thing out of; it isn't nothing, but you'll note that in none of my posts have I sought to make a really big deal out of this.
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