Got swore at on camera...

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New Member
BentMikey said:
She wasn't obstructing you at all, she nicely pulled into a space to allow you past. Said rudeness is coming because of your sheer inability to learn from your mistakes. Sorry.

She eventually moved aside to stop blocking the road having had all day to do so as I was approaching only after both cyclists had been forced to stop, and then she wanted to know why both cyclists were asking each other what it was she was playing at; tell me, if you have a simple choice between entering a space on the road that won't get you anywhere but will needlessly hold everyone else up and not doing so, which do you choose?


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
BentMikey said:
You're simply wrong, get over it. Why do you think no-one on here is agreeing with you? She left you plenty of space to pass.

Cab, I think the above sums it up. I honestly think you could pick an argument in an empty room.


New Member
NW England
Cab said:
I didn't start the discussion with her, and I didn't block the road. The two cyclists couldn't both get past her at the same time, and as we know each other we exchanged comments about her road position (which was anomalous; it isn't where motorists there wait when there is oncoming traffic). When she moved to the side we could both pass her; the only thing that I could have done to avoid being sworn at was not answer her request to repeat what we'd been saying to each other (and not to her). As said comment wouldn't add much to my journey and it would add nothing to hers, I repeated it. If you don't want to hear criticism of your driving, don't ask for it. And don't swear at someone who you've asked.

She created that; I could have refused to answer her, but I'm not convinced that would have been any more useful.

Why should both cyclists be able to pass her at the same time? You wouldn't expect a following car to be able to pass her. I'm surprised no-one has expressed the opinion that the cyclist following the car should have waited, at least until Cab had passed the car.

(Actually Thomas did).


New Member
fruitbat said:
Why should both cyclists be able to pass her at the same time? You wouldn't expect a following car to be able to pass her. I'm surprised no-one has expressed the opinion that the cyclist following the car should have waited, at least until Cab had passed the car.

(Actually Thomas did).

Should both cyclists be able to pass her at the same time? I'd not have said it was a requirement. Until she moved aside neither of us could have safely done so though, and then it doesn't really matter what order we pass (as the road ahead of her is blocked).


New Member
4F said:
Why do you think no one else on this thread has agreed with you ? ;)

Much of the criticism seems to assume I consider this a much bigger deal than it is.

Tell be 4f, if you've got the choice between entering a road space that will in no way benefit you but which will inconvenience other road users, and not doing so, which do you do? If you do so and then hear two other people say something akin to 'whats he playing at?' do you then ask to hear it again? Do you then swear at them for it?
Cab said:
Much of the criticism seems to assume I consider this a much bigger deal than it is.

Tell be 4f, if you've got the choice between entering a road space that will in no way benefit you but which will inconvenience other road users, and not doing so, which do you do? If you do so and then hear two other people say something akin to 'whats he playing at?' do you then ask to hear it again? Do you then swear at them for it?

To be fair cab, the reason it comes across as a big deal for you, is because you were wanting to take action, i.e footage to the employer. It really, honestly, absolutely isn't worth it.

I forget it and put it behind you.


the tank engine
Cab said:
Should both cyclists be able to pass her at the same time? I'd not have said it was a requirement. Until she moved aside neither of us could have safely done so though, and then it doesn't really matter what order we pass (as the road ahead of her is blocked).

The space she gave didn't look unsafe to me.

Cab said:
Much of the criticism seems to assume I consider this a much bigger deal than it is.

Tell be 4f, if you've got the choice between entering a road space that will in no way benefit you but which will inconvenience other road users, and not doing so, which do you do? If you do so and then hear two other people say something akin to 'whats he playing at?' do you then ask to hear it again? Do you then swear at them for it?

If it wasn't a much bigger deal than it was, what was the need to post it on here, threaten to report her to the Police, etc?

I think she did try to move to the road space when she realised the conflict....


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
thomas said:
The space she gave didn't look unsafe to me.

If it wasn't a much bigger deal than it was, what was the need to post it on here, threaten to report her to the Police, etc?

I think she did try to move to the road space when she realised the conflict....

I think if he did report it to the police they should do him for wasting their time. And this nonsense about reporting it to the company, you will be on You tube etc etc what utter tosh

This is such a non event I cannot believe Cab is making such a big deal about it


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
And why do you think you had priority there Cab? What happened is no different to what car drivers would do - they'd get close and one would pull over like she did.

Frankly I'm embarassed at the thought of you taking this to the shop, or even on leaving it up on youtube. I'm almost tempted to contact the shop and point them to this topic, just in case you did take it to them. That would be to add the balance of what most cyclists on here think of your behaviour.
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