Hand signals?

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Legendary Member
Not signalling left then veering off without warning also tends to irritate other road users though. Presumably as a cyclist you expect motorists to signal their left turns? Well, they also expect us to signal the same! The Highway Code says something along the lines of "always give a signal where it would be useful to another road user". It applies to everybody.

The only situation where a left signal is appropriate is where the only other vehicle in the vicinity is one waiting to come out of the road you are turning into - a courtesy signal.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
The only situation where a left signal is appropriate is where the only other vehicle in the vicinity is one waiting to come out of the road you are turning into - a courtesy signal.

Yes, if I was waiting to turn out of a side road (whether in a car or on a bike) I would be justifiably annoyed if a cyclist failed to signal that they were turning left into the side road.

But I couldn't care less if a cyclist I'm following behind turns left without signalling.

Tin Pot


You see that spot over there? Yes? Yes, good. That’s the spot I will shortly be occupying.


Senior Member
I use all the OPs apart from Stopping. I tend to shout ‘stopping’ soon after ‘slowing’ so those that need to know are usually within shouting distance. Shout ‘hole’, ‘gravel’ (on bend), ‘car up’ and ‘car back’ too as usual shouts. Try to even on commutes when it helps though I’m sure I get odd looks.

Alan O

Über Member
I've just remembered that a couple of weeks ago I turned my head back and shouted a warning to my cycling companion, without noticing he'd fallen back and been overtaken by someone. I've no idea if the other poor guy had any idea why I'd shouted "horse poo" at him.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
On led rides , the ride leader will put an arm straight up , not to stop , but to ask their assistant to come up front beside them , usually at a junction.l
Whatever group is using that instead of the "ten-pin bowling" signal needs farking shooting before the infection spreads. ;)


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I do, but mostly this one - (un)fortunately it's not recognised here.

View attachment 416892
You're accusing them of breaking the Baby Milk Action Nestle Boycott?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuzyMCt4XlQ

I strongly recommend you are very cautious about indicating left if you cycle much in town. If you indicate (left) as a matter of habit you will be hit
Depends which town: in some, if you don't indicate left, you may be taken forcefully from the rear by another cyclist if you brake sharply to make the turn and at best will be called various names.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I use all the OPs apart from Stopping. I tend to shout ‘stopping’ soon after ‘slowing’ so those that need to know are usually within shouting distance. Shout ‘hole’, ‘gravel’ (on bend), ‘car up’ and ‘car back’ too as usual shouts. Try to even on commutes when it helps though I’m sure I get odd looks.
Be careful with "car up". Different groups use that to mean ar up ahead, car moving up the group (= overtaking) or even car uphill! (Although I've just rechecked and the group that I was told did that has now changed to front/back.) https://www.cyclechat.net/threads/car-up-car-back-car-down.192591/
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