Have you ever regretted trying to give helpful advice

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Have are wished you never had given out advice to someone, only to see it all go wrong for them.
With plenty of time on our hands at the moment and many nosey curtain twitchings going on I've noticed my neighbour has been hard at work sprucing his car up. Its been spit and polished for many a good few hours now bless him. A couple of weeks back he was asking me for any suggestions on what he could do to the roof paint work. The car is red and the years of sun have left it looking very tired and faded.The lacquer was peeling away leaving the paintwork looking flat and discoloured.. A professional respray was to expensive for him, so i suggested vinyl wrap it matt black or spray it yourself matt black..
I thought being matt black would really complement the car without the hassle of worrying about getting the exact shade of red.
He was quite taken by my advice and said he was quite handy with a rattle can of paint.
Its now been his 4th attempt in doing it in the last two weeks. Each time he's done it, i must admit it's been a tidy job but he will not leave it long enough to fully cure before giving it the final coat of lacquer and polish ( he decided gloss black was the way to go)
Looking at it today through my bedroom window I think he's now given up as it now looks a complete mess. The roof is now a mottled colour of red and black paint as he's been trying in vein to Tcut it away.
I think in future I'll keep my bright ideas to myself 💡🤔


Vinyl wrap it is then. :okay:


Other bad advice (which i felt awful about) was back in 1997 to an elderly lady neighbour.
She had a lovely Mini metro and she never used it. It just sat under her car port and never turned a wheel. Every week though, she would clean the car and start it up. The mileage on it was extremely low and would only take it out once in a blue moon. Talking to her one day the subject got on to her car. She commented on that she was reluctantly going to sell it because of lack of use. The reluctance was because she felt she would be losing her independence and the acceptance of getting to old to drive. Basically her confidence to drive had gone.
Me being the ever optimist told her she's really got nothing to worry about and should try to enjoy her freedom in her car.
Sadly she listened to my good advice and the next day she went out for a drive along some quiet roads to get her confidence back. That evening we saw her car being returned to her house on the back of a tow truck. The whole passenger side was completely crumpled in. Clearly she had an accident upon she pulled out into oncoming traffic. Thankfully nobody was injured.
I felt awful for weeks after for trying to be positive and helpful with advice.. The car was subsequently written off and she never drove again.
I think my advice giving days are well and truly over 😏

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
Most times when I recommend something to my mother when she asks for product advice, or me to order something for her off Amazon. She always complains. The most recent things are a cordless Panasonic phone, I got after reading reviews. I made sure that nobody said the call volume was too low in the reviews. But she still complained it's not a good phone I can't hear it, even though it goes loud.

She asked for recommendation for a new vacuum cleaner, as she has some cordless Dyson wand thing, that she paid a fortune for, that I think is overpriced crap, when I've tried it in the car with the crevice tool, it is absolute pants and runs out of battery so fast on full suction. It's playing up now so she says. So I suggested a Shark corded lift-away as I think they're really good. But now that's too heavy for her. I kind of expect it now as it is the norm. She should buy things in local shops like Currys and get ripped-off, where she can try them. Probably not an option at the moment though.
A few years back I was having a mid-ride coffee when a couple that I knew by sight and with whom I had a mutual friend came and sat next to me and started chatting to me. The husband, who was a few years older than me, was very keen to find out about what I felt about cycling for health benefits as he had had a heart attack some years before, had got fit again by running and the gym, but was thinking about returning to cycling for added variety as his knees were starting to play up.

I did go on a bit about the benefits as I am really happy with what cycling has done for me with my fitness and my mental health, and he thanked me and said he'd think about getting his bike out again.

About a month later I heard that he had collapsed and died of a heart attack while on a bike ride near his home. I don't know whether he took medical advice before taking up cycling again.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Sometimes people will listen and take advice given whilst others won't.


Cracking a solo.
Have are wished you never had given out advice to someone, only to see it all go wrong for them.
With plenty of time on our hands at the moment and many nosey curtain twitchings going on I've noticed my neighbour has been hard at work sprucing his car up. Its been spit and polished for many a good few hours now bless him. A couple of weeks back he was asking me for any suggestions on what he could do to the roof paint work. The car is red and the years of sun have left it looking very tired and faded.The lacquer was peeling away leaving the paintwork looking flat and discoloured.. A professional respray was to expensive for him, so i suggested vinyl wrap it matt black or spray it yourself matt black..
I thought being matt black would really complement the car without the hassle of worrying about getting the exact shade of red.
He was quite taken by my advice and said he was quite handy with a rattle can of paint.
Its now been his 4th attempt in doing it in the last two weeks. Each time he's done it, i must admit it's been a tidy job but he will not leave it long enough to fully cure before giving it the final coat of lacquer and polish ( he decided gloss black was the way to go)
Looking at it today through my bedroom window I think he's now given up as it now looks a complete mess. The roof is now a mottled colour of red and black paint as he's been trying in vein to Tcut it away.
I think in future I'll keep my bright ideas to myself 💡🤔
OT, sorry, as in I had nothing to do with it but this reminds me of an old workmate who turned up one day with the bonnet of his car absolutely covered in scratches, ruined. I asked him what had happened,
"Don't ask!", he said.
Well, that wasn't going to happen, so after much pestering he told me that he was a bit fed up with his faded bonnet so had decided to T-cut it, so good so far, but, on discovering he didn't have any T-cut he thought he'd use sandpaper instead :laugh:


Many many times I've wasted my time telling a potential customer what's required for their paving project only for them to employ bloody travelers..

Sometimes they got me to put the mess right a yr later :laugh:
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A few years back I was having a mid-ride coffee when a couple that I knew by sight and with whom I had a mutual friend came and sat next to me and started chatting to me. The husband, who was a few years older than me, was very keen to find out about what I felt about cycling for health benefits as he had had a heart attack some years before, had got fit again by running and the gym, but was thinking about returning to cycling for added variety as his knees were starting to play up.

I did go on a bit about the benefits as I am really happy with what cycling has done for me with my fitness and my mental health, and he thanked me and said he'd think about getting his bike out again.

About a month later I heard that he had collapsed and died of a heart attack while on a bike ride near his home. I don't know whether he took medical advice before taking up cycling again.
I think we've got the thread winner right here. 😂


North Shields
I persuaded my boyfriend to come and watch Kilmarnock play CQN in the second leg of our latest European campaign. We lost 2 - 0 and that was the adventure over.

I'm not really sure why he bothered listening to me, we had watched the first leg on TV and the most excitement we got was the cameraman panning in on the commentators foot in the weird gantry they had cobbled together.
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