Helping fellow cyclists?? Roadies v MTB'ers

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The unlikely Cyclist
I don't know about you guys, but, If I see a fellow cyclist looking as tho they are fixing their bike at the side of the road/trail etc then I will always stop and offer assistance, yesterday I was out on my road bike and got a puncture, and for the first time ever I had forgot to swap the pump over from my other bike which meant I had no pump and miles from anywhere, a couple of roadies go past looking the other way, an MTB'er pulls up and gladly lends me his pump.
Today I go out on a ride on my old Raleigh road bike, guess what I get a puncture, this time I have everything to repair it, But in that time over a dozen roadies ride past and not one asks if I'm ok or need assistance. I am fairly new to road bikes but have been an MTB'er for the last 15yrs and I have never seen this behavior from mtb'ers they always stop to see if everything is ok. I also find Roadies don't acknowledge each other like MTB'ers do.
Are Roadies just plain arrogant bike snobs or have just had a bad experience or are they too busy trying to get a PR on Strava to stop?




Legendary Member
I think it is more a reflection on the human being than the bike between their legs

I have had assistance offered by roadies too, being a helpless female may help :whistle:


Legendary Member
The last two broken down cyclists to whom I offered assistance expressed gratitude to me for stopping but informed me they had already phoned home and were waiting for their wives to pick them up in a car.
I suppose some cyclists think all cyclists have a phone and a wife with a car:biggrin:.
Don't get me into the acknowledging debate, I just don't care:smile:


Middle Earth
I'm always offered help when out (even if I've just stopped to alter my seat) but it could be the low cut vest top...
I mainly ride my MTB and it always seems to be MTB'ers that could have something to do with the terrain though :laugh:
I'd stopped for a break the other day and a car pulled up to see if I was OK! I gave him the thumbs up and away he went! I thought that was very sweet of him! As for the acknowledgments, I find a mix of some do, some don't, so I too put that down to human nature too!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I was out on my road bike this morning and saw 3 mountain bikers in a huddle at the side of the road where the Mary Towneley Loop comes out from Lower Gorple Reservoir onto Widdop Road. They were looking at a map and I wondered if they were lost so I slowed down and asked if they needed any help. They smiled and said they were ok so I accelerated again and continued on my way ...

Sorry, what was your question? :laugh:

jack smith

I always stop for anyone no matter what they look like or what they are riding ive helped alot of people get going again, however when its me that has stopped ive never had an mtb rider help me even when ive tried waving them down but the roadies in what is considered top end kit always stop to help, but then again i do ride an s works and wear the same kit, i guess people think its like two opposing forces but i dont see why people dont just consider us all cyclists and help eachother to be honest its the same with waving and saying hello, i do it to everyone i pass but it seems its the mtbers who give me dirty looks and the roadies that give me a hello... Its gang warfare im telling you!!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
This fully deserves a....

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