Helping fellow cyclists?? Roadies v MTB'ers

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Legendary Member
I always stop and ask.

I once ended up sorting out a nice young lady's rear indexing on her supermarket mtb, the smile I received when I'd finished was all the reward you could want. :smile:

Most blokes just say no though.


Über Member
I have been asked quite regularly if I need help and it always puts a smile on my face

If someone looks lost or in trouble I will ask. Last week a guy looked really lost, he was standing looking at direction signs all perplexed and I asked if he needed directions? His, rather rude, response was finished with 'I cycle 190 miles a week you know' and launched into a tirade of how awesome he is on two wheels. Sorry mate, couldn't really give a flying duck and I left. Puts me off helping when people can be rude in response.

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
The average is 3 minutes
* Snigger* That's what they told you, is it?


Über Member
I always stop and ask anyone stopped who looks like they may need help even the Germans who puncture I fixed the other day.
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