Helping fellow cyclists?? Roadies v MTB'ers

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Smash the cistern
I have been asked quite regularly if I need help and it always puts a smile on my face

If someone looks lost or in trouble I will ask. Last week a guy looked really lost, he was standing looking at direction signs all perplexed and I asked if he needed directions? His, rather rude, response was finished with 'I cycle 190 miles a week you know' and launched into a tirade of how awesome he is on two wheels. Sorry mate, couldn't really give a flying duck and I left. Puts me off helping when people can be rude in response.
Probably wouldn't need to cycle 190 miles if he didn't keep getting lost :laugh:


One of the 64K
I stop about 50% of the time, if I'm commuting to work I'm probably already late and it's not like I'm riding through the Mojave, there's LBS's within 4 miles of wherever the breakdown is. If it's a breakdown at all.

If I see someone In obvious distress I'm more likely to stop, but to be honest I've had my fair share of spending 10-15 minutes repairing people's shoddy BSO's fixing problems an ounce of bike care would have avoided for little thanks and at personal cost (CO2 canisters don't grow on trees) so I could never say 'Always stop', however, if I was in the middle of nowhere, I would always check if I could help. It wouldn't matter to me the type of bike.
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The unlikely Cyclist
Commuters fair enough, personally If I were commuting to work then I'm racing against the clocking in machine in the final seconds to get there on time:bicycle: :sweat:.
Maybe it's because I ride a 11.5 tonne Carrera TDF and not considered a fully fledged roadie lol :cycle:


Coventry, uk
I'm a roadie, I acknowledge all other cyclists, I would stop to help if I had anything on me to help, I don't always carry inner tube, pump, tools. I have stopped in my car and offered to help a cyclist stopped by the side of a road. The only time I have needed help a female roadie stopped and offered help.

I personally find the most ignorant cyclists who don't acknowledge me to be MTBers. Everyone's experiences are different.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I agree with the OP - a significant number of roadies seem self-absorbed and appear to take themselves way too seriously.

As regards stopping for a stranded cyclist, rather than stop, I usually slow and ask if they are a getting sorted.

Most of those who need help are genuine enough, but it can be possible to get involved in what should have been pre-ride maintenance.

A mate of mine who is a bike mechanic ended up getting some stick from a stranded rider because my mate was unable to perform a mechanical miracle at the roadside.

He is now very cautious about the help he offers.


Norven Mankey
I always give them a shout to ask if they are OK. Never been asked to stop but it's good manners.

I was riding in N Wales recently which is popular touring country. Saw a guy fettling his bike on a tiny lane, miles from anywhere. Gave him a shout. He said he was fine, he was just adjusting some loose spokes. Thank f*** he didn't ask me to help, I wouldn't have had a clue.


Legendary Member
NE England
As to stopping for other cyclists I always slow and offer assistance, and have had the offer taken up a few times too. Riding a recumbent trike means I am easily recognised and who knows I may need help myself one day.


Über Member
No they did mention the wall though. One was from the FDR and the other the GDR. A romance that blossomed after the wall came down it seemed. Nice couple and they did offer to pay me which I declined


Do not touch suspicious objects
I always stop to offer help, but I do ride with enough tools to re-invent the wheel. I've also carried a bicycle on my bicycle once, so we all know what the last resort would be. Anyhoo...if you want the world record for people stopping to ask if you're OK - try standing at the roadside with an OS map out.

I love people.
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