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Joe24 said:
Just scare them enough so they run to the fence and touch it. Then no need for any shooting. So no need for bullets to be transported around the country when theres really no need.:wacko:

That's all very well, but you can't apply an element of fear so precisely that you can cause them to run an exact number of metres. Having worked out the correlation between amount of fear and distance run.
Furthermore, the cows might be at different positions within the field, so you would need to ensure that you not only scared them the right amount but that each one received the correct amount of fear corresponding to its distance from the fence. If that also then means that you have to fire the gun from any position other than the centre of the field, you need to take into account all sorts of other factors, such as what angle the cow will run at, any extra amount of fear the other cows will receive, and the equations just become stupidly complicated. Far easier to have a mechanism that works and kills any number of cows that run into it regardless of what velocity the cows run into it at and also isn't sacrificial.


Joe24 said:
Exacty. More power the better. Have a cow roasting just as its dead. Think how nice the meat could be!

it wouldn't cook it. Its thick leather skin would absorb most of the electric shock, that and its head
bonj said:
yeah but your typical electric fence is,what, 20-odd volts? I'm talking a few KILO volts. Enough to fry 'em stone dead.

The average zap from a fence control unit is about 20,000 volts. the amperage is low though as the fence would melt in use and you would never get an animal in the field if it saw one of its buddies getting fried by it.


very-near said:
The average zap from a fence control unit is about 20,000 volts. the amperage is low though as the fence would melt in use
electric cattle grid, as Chuffy helpfully suggested. The thickness of the bars would also enable a much higher current to be transmitted.

very-near said:
and you would never get an animal in the field if it saw one of its buddies getting fried by it.

it would if the alternative was being shot. Plus, they would all hit it at more or less the same time.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
bonj said:
yep - excellent idea. Going by that, you woudln't even need to actually shoot ANY, just stand in the middle of the field shooting into the air to scare them and they would all radiate, crashing into the fence and getting killed at precisely the same time.
This would also solve the bullet problem.

I hate to disappoint you, but cows aren't all that frightened by the sound of firearms. My friend Tony was trying to shoot something fluffy, when Daisy here came to have a little look at his Accuracy International .(and trust me, it's f*cking noisy....):

You may have to stick with the guillotene


More serious cyclist than Bonj
very-near said:
The average zap from a fence control unit is about 20,000 volts. the amperage is low though as the fence would melt in use and you would never get an animal in the field if it saw one of its buddies getting fried by it.

So basicly, have the fence with enough power to kill a cow. Then make one get zapped. When that one is zapped, all the other cows will be scared and run around, touch a fence(because they are pretty stupid) and die. This will make a chain reaction of cows being killed, and just means that you need to only scare one, then just let the cows sort themself out with the killing.
The electric fences you use probably those thin ones. What this fence needs is a good quality wire that can take a high voltage and ampage, that just kills the cows instantly.
bonj said:
electric cattle grid, as Chuffy helpfully suggested. The thickness of the bars would also enable a much higher current to be transmitted.

it would if the alternative was being shot. Plus, they would all hit it at more or less the same time.

It isn't really how the animals die which determines whether they are being humanely treated, but they way they are kept whilst alive.

You failed the test Bonj.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Cubist said:
I hate to disappoint you, but cows aren't all that frightened by the sound of firearms. My friend Tony was trying to shoot something fluffy, when Daisy here came to have a little look at his Accuracy International .(and trust me, it's f*cking noisy....):

You may have to stick with the guillotene

That cow would of shoot itself it your mate had shot one of its buddies. Wouldnt of gone near him then.:wacko:
Joe24 said:
So basicly, have the fence with enough power to kill a cow. Then make one get zapped. When that one is zapped, all the other cows will be scared and run around, touch a fence(because they are pretty stupid) and die. This will make a chain reaction of cows being killed, and just means that you need to only scare one, then just let the cows sort themself out with the killing.
The electric fences you use probably those thin ones. What this fence needs is a good quality wire that can take a high voltage and ampage, that just kills the cows instantly.

Have you any idea how long it takes to kill a man by electrocution, and by comparison how long it would take to kill by electrocution something weighing 10 times as much ?


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
It also kind of knacks the scaring to a specific degree theory, as Daisy was fearless compared with Gladys who came over with her to have a look, but bolted when Tony cocked the rifle. Unless of course she had been in war zone in a previous life, and knew what was coming......


More serious cyclist than Bonj
very-near said:
Have you any idea how long it takes to kill a man by electrocution, and by comparison how long it would take to kill by electrocution something weighing 10 times as much ?

If the power is high enough, then a few seconds. Or more, but when it touches the fence, if the power is high enough the animal would be stunned and be stuck to the fence untill it dropped dead.
Cows are probably so dumb that they would just keep going back and touching the fence until they dropped dead if they didnt drop dead instantly.


Joe24 said:
So basicly, have the fence with enough power to kill a cow. Then make one get zapped. When that one is zapped, all the other cows will be scared and run around, touch a fence(because they are pretty stupid) and die. This will make a chain reaction of cows being killed, and just means that you need to only scare one, then just let the cows sort themself out with the killing.
The electric fences you use probably those thin ones. What this fence needs is a good quality wire that can take a high voltage and ampage, that just kills the cows instantly.

yep, that'd probably work.
very-near said:
It isn't really how the animals die which determines whether they are being humanely treated, but they way they are kept whilst alive.

You failed the test Bonj.

well they will be being humanely treated.
Better than them being compacted in with other cows than stuffed in a lorry and carted round the country on roads. Besides, if they've never known anything different they're not going to mind.
If that's still cruel then you could genetically modify them not to have central nervous systems so they are effectively a plant, as KFC have already done with chickens. Which are so conjoined there is a large area of the battery farm of them that looks like individual ones but is actually the same chicken, and it goes without saying they have no feathers.


very-near said:
Have you any idea how long it takes to kill a man by electrocution, and by comparison how long it would take to kill by electrocution something weighing 10 times as much ?

With your puny electric fence that you run off a landrover battery, probably quite a while, but I'm talking about electricity of about the power of the national grid here. In fact that's another good idea- all you'd need to do for the electric fence is to just have low pylons, and the electricity lines would BE the fences.


Cubist said:

He's got what looks like a perfectly good gun there, instead of trying half-heartedly to push the bloody cow away why didn't he just shoot it?
Point blank range aswell, he wouldn't even need the sight. (Unless he's a really crap shot)


More serious cyclist than Bonj
And instead of shooting little rabbits, shot a few cows. Works out much better. He could get alot more meat from one bullit if he shot a cow, compared to if he shot a rabbit.
And he would of probably done the farmer a job, and saved the cow being carried in a lorry along roads to be slaughted.
Why waste time aiming at little fluffy things you can get half a meal from, when you can shoot a big stupid cow and get lots of meals.
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