How often do you ride ?

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Senior Member
An interesting one for me as a newbie, done a couple of 20+ rides and a 32 miler last week. I wondered if people go out every day or every other day ? or 3 times per week perhaps ? Is there a weekly mileage we should be adhering to ? or is it just plain and simple.....whenever we can sneak it in !
Also, if you do a 30+ ride, do you go out the next day to do similar mileage ?


Legendary Member
Just do what suits you.

Me? In normal times I ride 150/200 miles a week spread over three rides.

During lockdown I've been riding 30/35 miles a day five days out of seven.

Yes if I've ridden 30 or more I go out again the next day. Under normal circumstances I'd have a rest day between rides but current short distances don't require this.


Senior Member
Just do what suits you.

Me? In normal times I ride 150/200 miles a week spread over three rides.

During lockdown I've been riding 30/35 miles a day five days out of seven.

Yes if I've ridden 30 or more I go out again the next day. Under normal circumstances I'd have a rest day between rides but current short distances don't require this.

Wow, so under normal circumstances, you ride circa 60 miles a time? How long have you been riding?


Since the lock down - zero

But normally would be about 3 times per week, 60 to 90 mins each. About 100 miles per month, including a 10 mile tt on Tuesday evenings. Before I retired, my commute was 12 miles each way and a previous job was 23 miles each way. The latter was really too long and made me tired and couldn't do it every day. Don't do many long rides these days, but if pushed could stretch to a century occasionally.

With time, I've found short but frequent rides, throughout the year is best for keeping fit.


Marie Attoinette Fan
I am just doing maintainance rides just now outside, 3 or 4 times a week. Pre lockdown (God I hate that American term) with commutes I'd ride at least 6 times a week.

Rusty Nails

We remember
I am riding every other day, alternating with walking for exercise.

I ride for around 1.5 hours rather than a distance and ride hard (I know that's a bit subjective) for that time over a route that has quite a bit of climbing. I don't know about others' level of fitness but I find that I need rest days in between.

I think, during the lockdown, I have made the mistake of making the keeping fit side more important than the enjoyment side and need to get back to my more easy-going, slightly longer time rides.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Im only doing 5 to 8 miles, twice a week, with the family generally. Once every ten days or so I'm doing a 20-25 mile ride solo but I always feel that's a bit of an indulgence, time wise. It's just dependent on family at the moment, home schooling, trying to hold down jobs, it's hard to justify just buggering off for a few hours regularly.


Legendary Member
Wow, so under normal circumstances, you ride circa 60 miles a time? How long have you been riding?
Off and on I've ridden since childhood, it will be 50+ years. I've been riding without any break for the past 24 years - I know this because when my eldest son was 8, he is 32 now, he said "I want to go on a bike ride with Dad." That sent me out to buy a bike and the love returned.

Yes, 60 miles would be a standard ride for most people in my club. During the week I ride with a like-minded group of pensioners, at this time of year a ride would be 75/80 miles with a few 100+. Just depends on the day, who turns up how much time we have etc. Most of our little OAP group ride 7500/year. A couple of us targeted 10,000 in 2020 but Covid-19 has scuppered those plans. A part of hitting the target was three weeks in France which was going to be big miles every day.

Like I said it's whatever suits the individual. These distances are the norm for many club riders.

I've really enjoyed lockdown cycling for two reasons; shorter more regular rides are great training and I've needed to be really creative to keep my routes varied and interesting.
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I've been cycling for 3 months and I'm doing 4-5 x per week for 1-1.5 hours at a time. 3 of these are solo so proper hard exercise and 1-2 are recreational, with Mrs fm, at a leisurely (for me) pace. I look upon my solo rides like going for a run (I don't do these 2 days in a row) and the slower ones like going for a walk (I do these any time).
When the weather suits me. Then, depending on mood, usually from 10 to 35 miles. Usually just over 10! But have done a few 17s lately, and aiming at a metric half century over the next few days.


Legendary Member
Typically 5 or 6 days a week, anything from 10 to 40 miles. Rarely anything less or more these days. Having said that I've had 3 days off this week due to a minor vertigo flare up, but I reckon I'll be good to start the new week as normal.
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