Is there a place for the Quiche?

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Seems to be common complaint about ready made quiche.

I might give it go, cook it myself.

The bought ones are made to a price point, and that definitely restricts what goes in it / on it. I watched an episode of "Inside the Factory" which looked at quiche, and they use milk rather than cream, fewer (by proportion) eggs and so have to use corn starch to get the "custard" to set.

A home made quiche is not a cheap thing by the time you've wanged in a good bit of cheese, three eggs, a generous glug of cream plus whatever else you're using. Ergo a slice of home made is typically more substantial than anything you buy.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Thanks. May explain why lunch time crowd don't seem to select it.

I had people who also had no idea and asked me. The American ones seems bigger and I was told it is considered a full meal.

Cold as part of a salad or hot with beans and chips etc.
Honestly a quiche is just a savoury baked custard in a pastry case ...

And with more imaginative fillings than a bog-standard egg-and-bacon pie, to give more interesting and varied flavours to the custard.
Like most things of that nature, far better freshly and properly made than bought, even if you buy a ready-made pastry case to bake it in. Try duck eggs for real richness and 'body' in the custard, add extra yolks, and if you really can't run to cream (for dietary or other reasons) at least use a full-fat milk and add some instant dried milk powder to thicken it up a bit. And definitely add extra yolks if you're not using cream!


Legendary Member
This is one food item that has confused the hell out of me. I have spoken to colleagues and friends and they are not partial to it and some wont touch it. No one knows if it is breakfast, lunch or dinner serve, Neither is it a dessert. I understand the Americans are into it.

But I see it in cafes and eateries.

If you given a choice of a pie, a pizza, an egg sandwich, Samosas, a hotdog, a hamburger and a quiche What would you go for?
I'll have the pie, burger, and hot dog please? 😊

Deleted member 1258

We have a Quiche in the freezer, brought from Tesco yesterday, will have it hot for tea one night with chips and either beans or peas :hungry::hungry::hungry: . Hot or cold we have no preference.


Heavy Metal Fan
I love a good quiche, apart from the orrible cheap ones. My and grandmothers all made fabulous quiche Lorraines. And also stilton and broccoli.

I could eat it for breakfast,lunch or tea. It's rather like an omelette. I sometimes make a pastry-less quiche with a corned beef base. Not as good, but nice

Tom B

My lad loves quiche. It's his favourite meal. Refuses cake, chocolate and mostly chips, but loves quiche

Cold as a snack or lunch. Or hot as part of a meal with veg and starches.

In fact it was his turn to choose tea (yes tea, evening meal, we're northern, it's tea) tonight and he wanted quichie.

I ended up knocking a batch together. Two pints of full fat and 7 eggs so more like the shop bought stuff.. I find the heavy cream jobs too rich. They're not the best a bit over egged and under cheesed but passable for a rush job and made a happy 4 year old.

(It was only after I'd mixed everything up that I went and took a pack of ham out of the fridge and found a ready made jobbie the missus had bought)
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We tend to eat them hot so those nearest the camera will be frozen and baked off
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