kate moss deniers

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Is that 'deniers' as in the measure of fabric? I've always thought that people that deny something should be spelt 'deniars'... but whatever.... I would. I reckon KM is hot. I knew some twat that used go on about how she looked like a boy, even when nobody had even mentioned her. Reckon he used to pull his pud thinking of her but then got worried in case he was gay.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
She's rough as a bear's ass without the plaster work !!!


New Member
Abitrary said:
If kate moss met my eyes across a trendy wine bar, whilst sucking a mojito through a straw, and gave me a coy little seductive look, then the elastic bit that holds my eyes together would snap and my arms would drop off.

and perhaps this scene would be interrupted by a blast from one of those old fashioned steam train whistles.

and your tongue would unravel like a rug

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
OK, as a girlie I'll reply.

I don't feel strongly either way about her really. She's clearly beautiful (and successful) but her private life seems like a train wreck which rather dulls the lustre.

I consider someone like Catherine Zeta Jones or even Nigella more attractive as they appear more, well, womanly. But perhaps that's because I'm not stick thin so tend to want to find attractive role models who are more towards my body shape. Or something.


New Member
People who claim they can't see Moss's beauty and prefer the nice homely girls we see everyday on the street are really just making the best of what they got to cheer themselves up. It's a bit like claiming you'd keep working if you won the lottery and probably wouldn't even move house or buy a new car.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
people who fawn over wizzened hags like her are rolling along the primrose path, blinded by the crap the media shovel at them, that looking like 'Ethiopian cattle on a bad day' is beautiful.

If I want a xylophone, I'll buy one from a music shop, I won't go to bed with one.


simoncc said:
People who claim they can't see Moss's beauty and prefer the nice homely girls we see everyday on the street are really just making the best of what they got to cheer themselves up. It's a bit like claiming you'd keep working if you won the lottery and probably wouldn't even move house or buy a new car.

Well, if overpaid tarty looking women are your thing, that's fine. To each his own. But as they saying goes, there's no accounting for taste. ;)


Legendary Member
I think she used to be pretty darn gorgeous, but now she just looks a bit haggard, to be honest. Like she needs to drink less and sleep more. She is still very very cool though.

If you want hot, I would go for Jennifer Garner in Alias. Kicks arse and looks amazing throughout. Or Audrey Tautou who is just stunning.

Rob S

New Member
simoncc said:
People who claim they can't see Moss's beauty and prefer the nice homely girls we see everyday on the street are really just making the best of what they got to cheer themselves up. It's a bit like claiming you'd keep working if you won the lottery and probably wouldn't even move house or buy a new car.

If I won the lottery I'd move house....but I'd move to one I found attractive, not some ugly dump well known for all the wrong reasons.
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