Lusso Aqua Repel Jacket.

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Anyone own one of these?My Gabba has gorn n bit the dust!Possibly the subject of another thread when I can finally come to terms with what Ive done!:ohmy:

Several friends speak well of Lusso,and what Ive got I like,however whilst people speak highly of this jacket,no-one actually owns one.So over to you.How do you feel they compare to a Gabba2? Worth a punt?
I like the idea of supporting a UK company,like the idea of something a bit different,given the proliferation of Castelli around here.You know what the Gabba is famed for,and given the weather around these parts,I need something along the same lines.

Woudlnt you just love to know what happened to my lovely red Gabba:tongue:


They seem good quality, but don't come cheap either I see. No experience with them here I'm afraid..

(What happened to that Gabba?)

Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
I tried one on at my LBS because I liked the look and I too was keen to support a Manchester based company.
Unfortunately I didn't buy because the fit was weird (on me at least). The M was way too tight on the chest but fitted perfectly over the stomach. The L was fine across the chest but very baggy elsewhere.
I don't think I'm an unusual shape ................


For an amazing water proof jacket I whole heartedly recommend the Hoy Vulpine Beacon jacket.

Even in the gale force winds and rain last night I was cosy and dry without sweating my bojangles off.


Or think about Endura if you want it to be British. You'll know you'll have a quality piece of kit (can't compare it to the Hoy Vulpine jacket either, no experience..).


Well,thanks to you all for your replies.Certainly looks as if it isn't a particularly popular jacket on CC ! I had a look at the Hoy jacket,the only problem being that I already own two Hi Vis jackets,neither of which I wear.As regards Endura,the kit seems to be good quality,the problem I seem to have is with the fit,almost everything Ive tried in my LBS has fallen short in some way(or in my case overlong perhaps!).Given that another of my LBS sell Castelli(and Assos too I note,a recent addition one assumes)it looks like the Perfetto,in Red,and at least,I can try the garment on.Thanks again all.Oh,and what happened to the Gabba?When I get a minute I ll tell was my own fault!
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