Max speed

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Kilometre nibbler
Weird thread.


South Wales
That is the most stupid post yet my Grandad was on the western front and said if the Americans hadn't come in tens of thousands of lives would have been lost .
It was not in the slightest bit "stupid", and all your posts here about that are totally irrelevant, and bordering on the politics which I believe is not allowed here (as are the responses to your posts).


Kilometre nibbler
Going back to the OP ...
Does anyone know why we are out of the EU. Why can't ebikes do the same max speed of 20mph as American ebikes do , we are trying to get a trade deal with America that would be one less obstacle.
What happens now is that US domiciled companies like Spesh and Trek manufacture goods in the far east and ship them from there into various target markets around the world, all of which have different regulations.

Due to this market variability they need to do two things. 1) Manufacture market specific variants of products (set the speed limit, include an appropriate plug, and so on) and 2) add market specific packaging (local language packaging, market specific manuals and warning stickers for batteries and so on). They try to do this as efficiently as possible to make goods interchangeable between markets.

They'll have a product compliance team working on this and will try to push as much of this back to the far eastern manufacturing plant as possible with as little rework as possible further down the chain, but they are ready and able to deal with various different markets. It's their job.

Now, how would changing the UK regulations, currently aligned with the EU regs (25km/h), to align them with the US regs(20mph) help at all? It wouldn't make a damn bit of difference. It would just make importing into the European area slightly more of a headache (because the UK would require different product variants), but not much.

And what impact would this have on a US-UK trade deal? None at all.

Of course the supply chain will be more complex than that, for example Wikipedia tells me that Trek do some manufacturing in Germany (but none in the US). But primarily the movement of goods will be from Taiwan and other far eastern locations with some finishing/rework in the target markets. Very little of this is going via the US, which is just another import area.
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Über Member
I've never hit the 60 Fossyant has, but I quite often get over 40mph on downhills. I think about 45-46 is the max I've hit. But it is quite an unusual ride if my max speed is under 33.

Provided you can see far enough ahead to be able to stop if something comes the other way (or the road is wide enough that doesn't matter), and provided there aren't any potholes you can't avoid, it isn't dangero8us, or too hard to do.
I've hit 57 mph. Down Fleet Moss, so a lumpy singletrack road in Yorkshire.



Smash the cistern
How do you know what speed you are doing I think 60 mph is fancy full high speeds on a bike is irresponsible don't you watch air ablance .
Time for this picture again.



South Wales
How do you know what speed you are doing I think 60 mph is fancy full high speeds on a bike is irresponsible don't you watch air ablance .
Many of us on here have computers which tell us what speed we are doing. And while I wouldn't be looking at mine while doing those sorts of speeds, it will be in the field of view if I have my GoPro on, and if not, then Strava will list the maximum speed when the ride is uploaded to there.

It isn't hard to know what speeds you have reached on a ride, or on a particular segment.

And 60 may be irresponsible on some roads, but on others it is absolutely fine.

"High speeds" (assuming you are talking anything over about 40mph) is certainly not generically irresponsible. It is all about context. There are roads near me where 60 would be perfectly safe if I could go that fast on them. There are others where I probably could reach that speed, but anything over about 25 would be stupidly dangerous.
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