Maximum temperature you're happy to cycle in

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Legendary Member
I used to work in hot conditions and the nurse used to advise us on how to deal with it.
Your body takes a few days to adapt then copes much more efficiently with the heat also avoid caffeine and eat stuff like raisins.
I've cycled in about 40c in Australia it was warm but OK I was living there though if I had to do it now as a one off I'd struggle.
Why avoid caffeine?
I virtually exist on it.
No shortage of espressos in the Med.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Being out on the bike in the slight breeze today was better than being indoors but we only sauntered along, especially on the hilly bits.
We were actually hotter yesterday by 2 or 3 degrees but I went down to the river enjoyed the breeze so much that I spent 3 hours out in the midday sun. I was a bit red when I got home but nothing burnt and the main reason I didn't spend longer was because I remembered that I didn't have any puncture repair stuff with me and I was further away from home than my walking comfort zone permits. Glorious day!


West Wales
I find anything over 20c pretty uncomfortable ,
Did a 200k in 30ish last summer and seriously feared for my survival.

I spent much of my working life in cold stores quite comfortable at -18 so my opinion is probably worthless


Can we stop saying "n degrees in the shade". Please :smile:

Of course it's in the shade, if it's not, you're measuring solarity, not temperature :biggrin:



Anyway I had a ride at 29 degrees and my bottle of fluid was like warm tea. However there was also a nice breeze so it didn’t feel too warm and didn’t even sweat for 31 miles at 18.5mph. The runners don’t have this luxury in summer. That’s why Runners are barm pots.
I've ridden in 29 degrees before but sometimes find it uncomfortable and in need of extra planning - but I'm more driven by when I can get out and ride, so I take any chance I can get. I'm also demented enough to go out in -5 or colder on snow covered trails.
When we went to Lanzarote once we hired bikes in 30+ heat, but Puerto del Carmen has lots of nice watering holes, and we were just pootling along the seafront bike road.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
So hot today that i took my KOM jersey off and cycled topless for the first time in what must be 15 years. When i got home and looked in the mirror i saw that my back was covered in glitter. I'd led down to sunbathe for a while in a church yard and i must've picked up bits of confetti/glitter on my sweaty back. :blush:


Today's 100km in Cheshire was hot, 31 degrees max, but manageable with plenty of fluids and stops in the shade, plenty cyclists out and about.........
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