Mileage for 2019.

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About 7500mile to date. Rapha 500 to do may get to 8000 mile . 3200 mile less than 2018, tho that did include across Canada.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
7800 miles for me this year, a bit under my annual average for the last decade of a bit over 9000 miles.

[edit, 27th Dec] I didn't mention it earlier, but thanks to a hilly commute (and with some help from 20 days cycling in the French Alps), I did a bit over 590,000 feet of climbing, about 76 feet / mile.
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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Somewhere around 1700 just now, and unlikely to increase significantly before the year ends.
About half last years miles, and the lowest by a long way in the last 8 years.
I blame meeting a new woman last December, and becoming engaged in June! :thanks:
She doesn't "do" cycling despite owning a bike, and fails to see why I might like to spend time on a bike when she has other plans!
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Somewhere around 1700 just now, and unlikely to increase significantly before the year ends.
About half last years miles, and the lowest by a long way in the last 8 years.
I blame meeting a new woman last December, and becoming engaged in June! :thanks:
She doesn't "do" cycling despite owning a bike, and fails to see why I might like to spend time on a bike when she has other plans!

It's not too late to change your mind. :whistle:


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Should manage just over 2000. Target for 2019 was 3k, but there's always another year.


A ride this morning took me to 3,969 miles for the year which is a nice figure as my final ride in the half century challenge later this week will bring my total to 4,000 miles.

This is a total I’d have thought impossible when I bought my first road bike in 2012 in an attempt to lose some of the weight I’d put on in retirement. I remember struggling to complete 10 miles on the bike and being upset that it took longer than the time in which I used to run the same distance.


3,606 so far all leisure; nice mix of club rides, solo rides, tours, Audax and family rides. 3,022 for 2018 so some improvement. Would like to get over 4,000 for 2020. I don't think my total for 2019 will increase much and maybe not at all in the remaining few days of the year.
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