Mundane News

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Just had beans on almost dry toast, my first food for 24 hours.
Either a stomach bug or perhaps too many cocodamol for my OA. On the grounds our grandkids and their parents have just been through the do the maths :laugh:
Didnt go to work today...a bit too weak and bleuchhh.:whistle:
This is where I've been .


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I think with those weed & feed things (at least the "Evergreen" variety I've used) rain afterwards is needed according to the packaging so you may be in luck.

Having nipped out and got more lawn seed this morning, I started scarifying the remainder of the lawn only to realise that I'd forgotten to get more rubbish sacks! Thankfully I keep a supply of old charity clothing sacks in the cupboard (used as bin liners!) so these were pushed into action as garden waste sacks. By the time I'd finished clearing up, there were a total of 9 black sacks & 6 charity sacks full of fairly compressed grass, moss & weeds to go to the local recycling centre. Add on to that an afternoon of treading in and watering the grass seed and I was glad to get out for a quick ride late in the afternoon to wind down.

My son's dog is great at scarifying, although I do have my parents old machine. What it really needs though is aerating. Trouble is, my hollow tine tool hasn't moved yet.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Mrs MYs bday today, out for lunch, doze, then the grandchildren came round for :birthday:I may not have walked far today.
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