next CC Ecosse ride May/June

Where to go ...

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HLaB said:
Its relatively easy from the south, thats the way I did it last night. From the north is a wee bit harder but at least it levels out for a bit halfway. I had thought it was best to avoid the comming from the north with the forum but if the consensus is to do it, it can be done.

Let's see what the consensus is on the day, but so far there aren't any noobs on the list for Saturday, so perhaps it might be do-able?

EDIT : (Of course there may still be a couple lurking, so if there are then I'll defer to the easiest route, as we don't want to exclude anyone else thinking of joining us).


HLaB said:
Its relatively easy from the south, that's the way I did it last night. From the north is a wee bit harder but at least it levels out for a bit halfway. I had thought it was best to avoid the coming from the north with the forum but if the consensus is to do it, it can be done.
Or we could do the route in reverse :biggrin:

I need to be back home by 1700, so may have to pack early if the cake stop is going on ... and on .... and on .... :sad:

If there are any newer people who are getting worried that it is beginning to sound more like a "club run" - please do not be put off by all this talk of hills. If you don't do/want to do hills, the we won't. CC Ecosse Forum rides are aimed at newer cyclists, having fun, meeting the people-behind-the-login-names and enjoying it. Oh and CAKE usually comes in there somewhere too, I think .... :biggrin:

So, if you have never been on a CC Ecosse Forum ride and are available on Saturday ;) - come along, we'd love to make your acquaintance :biggrin:


Sorry, i don't think i'm going to make this one, i'm having difficulty getting a pass ;) i was away all day on sunday with the CTC, went for a recovery ride which included a long lunch stop on monday, and yesterday i went for a bit of hill training over the Campsies and into a bit of Stirling, and i'm supposed to be going out on Sunday with the CTC again.


bhoyjim said:
Sorry, i don't think i'm going to make this one, i'm having difficulty getting a pass :biggrin: i was away all day on sunday with the CTC, went for a recovery ride which included a long lunch stop on monday, and yesterday i went for a bit of hill training over the Campsies and into a bit of Stirling, and i'm supposed to be going out on Sunday with the CTC again.

You know I'm really beginning to doubt your dedication to this cycling lark! ;)


Must Try Harder
Fife, Scotland
I can do this Saturday, got a bit of a head cold but should be fine for then. I'll keep an eye on the route and pick you guys up at some point as I want to do either into/out of Dunning or both hills on Falkland Hill. Always look to do the north side of Cleish Hill when I'm near by - it's steep at the bottom and top but gets pretty level in the middle.
The following weekend I plan on doing all of these hills in an 80 mile loop in preparation for Trossachs Tonne.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
HLaB said:
Its relatively easy from the south, thats the way I did it last night. From the north is a wee bit harder but at least it levels out for a bit halfway. I had thought it was best to avoid the comming from the north with the forum but if the consensus is to do it, it can be done.

Aye, it is much more fun going down the north side :sad:


Must Try Harder
Fife, Scotland
Here's the locations of the eating places around the loch leven that have been mentioned or I know of. There's probably others but these are well spaced out for a good choice. I've only been to Heaven Scent and that was excellent.

I'm sure kfinlay missed some ;)


Well-Known Member
guys sorry but def going to have to give this one a miss , bike still in workshop although i hope to have it back by weekend , but i,ve got a wee charity run on sunday and i,ve been told .....:tongue: .... eh i mean i really need to get the garden sorted etc ,
hope u guys have a gread day and hope we can hook up on the nxt run


Senior Member
Unfortunately, I won't be able to make this ride.

I hope to see you all soon though.
I might be able to show-off my new steed that I pick-up next week. :tongue:


kfinlay said:
Here's the locations of the eating places around the loch leven that have been mentioned or I know of. There's probably others but these are well spaced out for a good choice. I've only been to Heaven Scent and that was excellent.

7 Chez Ranger ;) (location a closely guarded secret ;))


TechMech said:
I'm afraid I'm not going to make this either as I can't get a pass from SWMBO :sad:
Not even after your success on the Etape :smile: ???

Shame :sad: - we'll miss you :biggrin: (and I had some special hills for you :smile:)
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