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It's funny how that term is used by armchair Internet critics to disparage other armchair Internet critics when something is said that they don't like!

I cycle and have raced. And I don't even own an armchair. But thanks. :becool:

The Couch

Über Member
I cycle and have raced. And I don't even own an armchair. But thanks. :becool:

You should really think about getting an armchair.... it's THE best place to put criticism on the internet from out. ^_^

... in fact - as all the best great (cycling) internetcritics - you should also get a white cat, to complete the Bond-villain and get even more inspired to post devil-ish trash :hyper:
His contract is up in 2014 and if you want a good insight into the internal politics of Sky and Wiggins mental state, Richard Moore is pretty good. Unfortunately he seems to write a lot for the Daily Mail but if you can bring yourself to look, his insights are pretty good. He also wrote the excellent "In Search Of Robert Millar" and "Slaying the Badger..."


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I read elsewhere that Christian Knees is hopeful that his wiggins will recover fully soon.
Agnostic Elbows ready for the sprints ... :whistle:


Robert Millar has entered the fray...

Not sure I buy a lot of what he's saying. "...some sources close to..." [para 3] is a facile tag to give credence to your opinions but could mean anything from a Journo who Brad doesn't blank to the man himself. "Apparently..." [para 7] is a lot less authoritative. Until Brad's next book, everything is pretty much speculation but, hey, what would we do around here if we weren't allowed to speculate. :smile:

I look forward to Robert's blog entry after the tour authoritatively explaining why things happened in a completely different way to his predictions, though.
Millar is repeating what others are rumouring. There's probably a grain of truth in it, especially about Wiggins missing Yates and Sutton and struggling with motivation and angst but I'm not really buying the rest.
Millar is repeating what others are rumouring. There's probably a grain of truth in it, especially about Wiggins missing Yates and Sutton and struggling with motivation and angst but I'm not really buying the rest.
Millar and Brian Smith seem to be reading from the same book though, so I think there is more to it than simple rumour or speculation. Neither has anything to gain or lose by saying what they see/hear.
Millar and Brian Smith seem to be reading from the same book though, so I think there is more to it than simple rumoir or speculation. Neither has anything to gain pr lose by saying what they see/hear.
Except they both make a living on commenting on cycling. If we believe all they're saying it points to Brailsford and Froome having some fairly Machiavellian traits, personally I don't buy that, hard nosed yes, underhand no, so some speculation and embellishment is going on.
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