One thing I don't understand

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OK, I'm a new poster on here. I'm a car driver, motorcyclist and cyclist.
I've been on the road now for over 40 years on one form of transport or another and am VERY aware of the dangers we ALL face on the roads.
I must ask one question of the cycling community....
WHY for God's sake does nobody (apart from me it seems) have a rear view mirror on their bicycle?....
I was taught to drive in 1975 and the one thing that my instructor impressed upon me is the need to be absolutely aware of everything going on around me, to the side and to the rear as well as in front.
The thought of riding a bicycle on any road with a 30 ton lorry approaching from behind fills me with dread, not even being able to see it coming is surely insane!
Please don't post a reply about how the sound alerts you, we all see many cyclists riding with stereo's on their heads how would they hear?.... and the amount of cyclists looking over their shoulder is almost negligible.
I just cannot understand why no mirrors.

PS, I'm very aware as my first post this might be taken by some to be provocative and's not meant to be. If the post draws too many negative, nasty or inflammatory comments, I'll ask admin to pull it.

Luddite Joe

Über Member
You are a bit late to the party.

Yes, he needs to take a long, hard look at himself in the mirror.


Senior Member
They're pretty much pointless. For a start you are fixing something to the bars on a stiff brace that could pierce your eyeball and enter your brain. The shudder from even normal roads renders them useless, they fog and mist, you lose time refocusing, they increase danger because you lose the interaction with drivers that you get when you eyeball them. Making eye contact with drivers can be vitally important and stupid little farty mirrors mean you lose that benefit.

Pretty much pointless except for, you know, seeing what's behind without turning round, bit of a one trick pony I give you but a useful trick nonetheless.
My god you must really hate mirrors to resort to" it'll have your eye out".
Traumatic mirror experience in your youth ?
I've no problem with people choosing not to use one, its a personal preference thing, but to claim that they are
A: Pointless, and
B: Dangerous, is completely absurd


Pretty much pointless except for, you know, seeing what's behind without turning round, bit of a one trick pony I give you but a useful trick nonetheless.
My god you must really hate mirrors to resort to" it'll have your eye out".
Traumatic mirror experience in your youth ?
I've no problem with people choosing not to use one, its a personal preference thing, but to claim that they are
A: Pointless, and
B: Dangerous, is completely absurd


Legendary Member
OK, I'm a new poster on here. I'm a car driver, motorcyclist and cyclist.

So have quite a few of us. Just 'cos you've got a license doesn't qualify you as having more experience than anyone else.

I've been on the road now for over 40 years on one form of transport or another and am VERY aware of the dangers we ALL face on the roads.

So what? Some have been on the roads longer.

I must ask one question of the cycling community....
WHY for God's sake does nobody (apart from me it seems) have a rear view mirror on their bicycle?....

You've been a road user for 40 years and you don't know? God help you.

I was taught to drive in 1975 and the one thing that my instructor impressed upon me is the need to be absolutely aware of everything going on around me, to the side and to the rear as well as in front.

Perhaps a re-test is in order?

The thought of riding a bicycle on any road with a 30 ton lorry approaching from behind fills me with dread, not even being able to see it coming is surely insane!

Don't ride a bicycle then. Simples.

Please don't post a reply about how the sound alerts you, we all see many cyclists riding with stereo's on their heads how would they hear?.... and the amount of cyclists looking over their shoulder is almost negligible.

That's just your experience, as a vehicle driver it's their, yours , our responsibility to look out for vulnerable road users and idiots.

I just cannot understand why no mirrors.

So you said

PS, I'm very aware as my first post this might be taken by some to be provocative and's not meant to be.

Then perhaps your first posts should have been more generic then, let us get to know you first before posting inflammatory questions and opinions.

If the post draws too many negative, nasty or inflammatory comments, I'll ask admin to pull it.

Go on then.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The bottom line is a mirror is a personal choice. You either want one and use it or you don't. We all have the choice, so use whatever you want. Its the same with what bike to buy. It's a personal choice. What suits one won't suit another.

I have a mirror and use it. I don't give a toss what anyone else thinks.


Specifics of mirrors apart, this thread is thoroughly depressing as a case study in how, faced with an issue with two sides, too many proponents of both sides insist on destroying their case by taking it to ludicrous extremes ("mirrors are no use whatsoever"/"it's essential to have a mirror to safe").


Guys, guys........Please don't talk rubbish....I have a mirror on my bicycle, I use it ALL the time, it's NOT useless, I can see behind me perfectly well.
Origamist.....Surely knowing what's behind you MUST help? A car approaching at speed too close to you.......A tipper lorry swerving....any number of things. Surely ANYTHING that keeps you safer has GOT to be a good thing?
DRYysted......Mirror creating problems? pray tell how?
Drago....Vibrates?...we talking about a motorcycle here?????
One thing I do understand - if you tell people they are talking rubbish - experienced riders - then asking further advice is going to be challenging. Go ahead and do what you believe is best, but respect others opinions, please.


Legendary Member
Specifics of mirrors apart, this thread is thoroughly depressing as a case study in how, faced with an issue with two sides, too many proponents of both sides insist on destroying their case by taking it to ludicrous extremes ("mirrors are no use whatsoever"/"it's essential to have a mirror to safe").

Quite, but most rational people can see beyond the excitable appeal to extremes as evidenced by a few posters on this thread. A more nuanced debate would certainly have been welcome, but the efficacy of mirrors as a safety measure for cyclists was only ever going to be speculative. However, I agree that this thread is unlikely to assist people making a more informed decision about mirror use and, I accept that my initial approach to dealing with a fundamentalist/troll OP was not likely to help matters.
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