Pedal for Scotland - Team

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Mr Pig

New Member
gavintc said:
Finally, the run in to the finish on the paths of Edinburgh was criminally dangerous.

I wrote to the organisers about that very fact years ago. I also wrote to them after last years ride with a few concerns and suggestions, some of them very simple things that could be done to make the ride safer and more pleasant. I didn't receive and answer on either occasion and none of the things I mentioned have been changed.

I think it's a great ride but the organisation does concern me a bit.


From Your Ride Today thread:
Hairy Jock said:
About 60 miles today Glasgow to Edinburgh (including getting to and from home). I did see a few CC jerseys on the ride, mostly heading off into the distance. The best bit was probably Dayvo getting the beers in at the end...
:wacko: :biggrin: :blush: :cry:

And I wasn't there


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
I do think a lot of people thought that the roads were theirs to spread out across at will, but TBH there was so little traffic that at times you did wonder if the travelling public had stayed at home for the day !

A good shout of 'CAR !' usually got people to move over to let vehicles past.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Speicher said:
Completely off-topic, but in case Magnatom is viewing with Dayvo at his side, Mr Dayvo is temporarily ahead of me :wacko: in the Fantasy Veulta. :biggrin:

(they'll be too bevvied by now to be reading Cyclechat :blush:)

We did get some classic encouragement from a Glasgow drunk this morning at 9.30am, who stood out in the road, in a suit, telling us (in a drunken slurred yell) to follow the riders in front. :cry:


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Aperitif said:
Well done you lot!
Great photos HJ and Goo - it shows that even Scotch people can have a laugh when you put an Englandman among them...:wacko:

Nice pictures for a Monday morning.

True, true.... our Scandinavian-tinged Englander is a top bloke.


Hi Guys, I'm alive if a little sore!

Dayvo my collegue (who has promised to joing the forum) and I, got the bus (last one after a couple of beers) back to Glasgow and got home, after a further 7 miles of sore bum cycling, to chez magnatom. Mrs Magnatom had a lovely meal ready and we tucked in, had a couple of beers and once weary, went to be. I'm just back, having dropped Dayvo off at the airport, and as I am knackered (one of the boys kept us awake last night as well), I'm off for a snooze now!

It really was a great day. I'll have to write a report and put it on my blog, but the gist of it will be, a lot of virtual friends became real friends! I am already looking forward to doing it all again next year (can we have good weather 2 years in a row?!) and Dayvo will hopefully make it over for next year as well.

I'll post later about the many highlights (and lowlights!). But three highlights stick out in my mind. The fast pace we set about a third of the way into the race surrounded by nice scenery. It was very exhilirating! I didn't know it could be like that. The second was Scoosh shouting encouragement, just when I needed it. I had just dropped off the leaders at that point and was feeling weary. It helped a lot!:angry: The last was when we went into the pub at the end and ordered some beers. We were all standing there in out CycleChat jerseys and in our sweaty cycling gear. The chap behind the bar say, 'so what have you lads been up to then?....':rofl:

I'm off to be now! Chapeau everyone at PfS!


Congrats, guys. Very sorry to have missed it (and you). Hopefully will see you next year!

Mr Pig

New Member
magnatom said:
The fast pace we set about a third of the way into the race surrounded by nice scenery!

Was that Avonbridge to Linlithgow? That section always whizzes by. The scenery is very typical of the back roads all around this area, we ride them all the time. I'll need to hook up a circuit or reasonable distance around the hills and get you out some time.


It's a local holiday in Embra today :biggrin:

Discussing the event with mrs scoosh this a.m., we are of the opinion that, unless significant improvements are made to the route/organisation or something, there is likely to be a serious incident with car/ pedestrian/ dog ... whatever, as there are just too many bikes and too narrow roads.

Also, what she found a bit frustrating was not being able to go at a steady pace because of all the wavy, slowly overtaking or chatting 3 abreast cyclists on the road.

So where can we go from here ?

There is the Drumlanrig Tearfund Challenge, which goes up some interesting hills (Tour of Britain type :eek:) and has optional 85/62 mile distances. Not surprisingly, it's based at Drumlanrig and is provisionally dated for Saturday 2 May 2009. 250 riders or so.

I had entered for this year's Etape Caledonia, the only closed road sportive in the UK, which is based at Pitlochry and goes round Lochs Rannoch and Tummel (but not to Lochaber !), then up past Schiehallion, loops to Fortingall, Aberfeldy and back to Pitlochry. 81 miles. It's on Sunday 17 May 2009. (C+ rode it this year and wrote a favourable report, promising/ threatening (:blush:) to be back)

LEPRA Edinburgh to St Andrews is another one I have had my eye on. It is in June (21st in 2008) and, not surprisingly, goes where it says. One difference is that the exit from Edinburgh is on the main Queensferry Road, until turning off at the start of the dual carriageway to join the road where I was sitting on my Disco, over the FRB and via a scenic route to St Andrews. About 1,000 riders last time and 61 miles.

So how about it,Team CycleChat Scotland ?? What are we up for next ? (I use the "we" respectfully ;), not having ridden yesterday :sad:)

Did Dayvo really come all the way from Oslo just to ride the PfS or was he so desperate to meet The Mighty Magnatom [bows in respect :thumbsup:]?

Could we persuade him to come over again for one of these ?
Could we encourage others from North and South to come and join us ?

We're probably going to need a new thread here ......:smile:


Mr Pig said:
Was that Avonbridge to Linlithgow? That section always whizzes by. The scenery is very typical of the back roads all around this area, we ride them all the time. I'll need to hook up a circuit or reasonable distance around the hills and get you out some time.
Ah Ha ! Mr Pig is already planning our training rides - and he hadn't even read my last post :blush:

When fit again, I'll be up for some of those rides, Mr P - and so probably will mrs scoosh.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
scoosh said:
It's a local holiday in Embra today :biggrin:

Discussing the event with mrs scoosh this a.m., we are of the opinion that, unless significant improvements are made to the route/organisation or something, there is likely to be a serious incident with car/ pedestrian/ dog ... whatever, as there are just too many bikes and too narrow roads.

Also, what she found a bit frustrating was not being able to go at a steady pace because of all the wavy, slowly overtaking or chatting 3 abreast cyclists on the road.

So where can we go from here ?

There is the Drumlanrig Tearfund Challenge, which goes up some interesting hills (Tour of Britain type :eek:) and has optional 85/62 mile distances. Not surprisingly, it's based at Drumlanrig and is provisionally dated for Saturday 2 May 2009. 250 riders or so.

I had entered for this year's Etape Caledonia, the only closed road sportive in the UK, which is based at Pitlochry and goes round Lochs Rannoch and Tummel (but not to Lochaber !), then up past Schiehallion, loops to Fortingall, Aberfeldy and back to Pitlochry. 81 miles. It's on Sunday 17 May 2009. (C+ rode it this year and wrote a favourable report, promising/ threatening (:blush:) to be back)

LEPRA Edinburgh to St Andrews is another one I have had my eye on. It is in June (21st in 2008) and, not surprisingly, goes where it says. One difference is that the exit from Edinburgh is on the main Queensferry Road, until turning off at the start of the dual carriageway to join the road where I was sitting on my Disco, over the FRB and via a scenic route to St Andrews. About 1,000 riders last time and 61 miles.

So how about it,Team CycleChat Scotland ?? What are we up for next ? (I use the "we" respectfully ;), not having ridden yesterday :smile:)

Did Dayvo really come all the way from Oslo just to ride the PfS or was he so desperate to meet The Mighty Magnatom [bows in respect :thumbsup:]?

Could we persuade him to come over again for one of these ?
Could we encourage others from North and South to come and join us ?

We're probably going to need a new thread here ......:smile:

I think the only one that'll probably appeal to the commuters (ie. me and Magnatom) is Edinburgh - St Andrews. For those of us who do a max of 10 miles in one go at any time, and without any major climbs or hills, the other two may be a wee bit too tough !!! With family commitments we really don't get out on the bikes for any other kind of riding.

I think we've already decided that we'll do PfS next year again as Team CC. For all its faults, we really had a great day and lots of laughs. And the look on the large roadie's face when Magnatom and the team shot past him on a climb was worth its weight in gold :sad:


New Member
It was a good day and great to meet you lot. We clocked 7 hours rolling time! Mrs T did really well to finish and was glad she did it, despite not talking to me for the last 10 miles for putting her through it.

Couldn't believe how lucky we were with the weather - it rained from around 5.30pm onwards. We headed to South Queensferry in the car to pick up the kids and there were STILL people en route at that time, with 13 miles to go!

As for cycling skills, there were some appauling manners out there and some folk with a severe lack of common sense. I can't see that anything could be done about that though when the numbers of non-cyclists are so great. The route was odd; they could have skipped hopetoun completely but then we'd miss the view alongside the Forth. The path behind Plains was no good too - in fact that's how we missed you Mr Pig. Sorry about that.

Highlights were a) meeting the fellow forummers, and :blush: rolling in to a sizeable, applauding crowd at the finish with Mrs T just in front.

The lowlights were a) that ham and mustard sarnie at linlithgow and ;) hearing that Dougie Vipond had been ogling my bike while I was off getting some toblerone. Get yer ain Douglas!

I'd be keen to meet up with you all again, great company. Sorry we didn't see much of you actually en route or in the boozer afterwards but my marriage was at stake!

Any of the rides suggested would do but I'm out of the country 8th - 17th May next year which wipes 2 out. Would be happy to do an unofficial ride though.
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