Pedal for Scotland - Team

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What about a Cyclechat Century? We could plan the route ourselves and there's some lovely countryside north of Edinburgh and Glasgow - the roads in Perthshire for instance, are beautiful and fairly quiet, for instance.


Melvil said:
What about a Cyclechat Century? We could plan the route ourselves and there's some lovely countryside north of Edinburgh and Glasgow - the roads in Perthshire for instance, are beautiful and fairly quiet, for instance.

I have a number of 200km routes in Perthsire/Fife which might be suitable...there are short cuts to make them 100 miles
Well, back to earth - Norwayland - with a bump after a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. :smile:

Thanks must go to Mr and Mrs Magnatom for housing, feeding and beering me, and getting me to and from the airport! Also to Tet for lending me a very nifty hack bike! (two beers for you next year, Tet :blush:) and Scoosh for enabling my shoes to clip onto the bike! :thumbsup:

Sorry to have missed Mr Pig! :sad: I was looking forward to the tea and some bacon sarnies (and a dump would have been nice, as I HATE those portaloos with a passion :smile: - but fortunately my intestines expanded allowing me a few more hours before I 'gave birth' in the pub toilet!). :biggrin:

Sorry also to have missed gavintc. Next year, eh!

And of course to my Scottish cycling chums; the Glasgowers, the Edinbergers, and the Fiffian (whom I had a bit of trouble understanding at times). It was a great day with lots of laughs, too much cake (and bananas and chocolate bars and energy drinks) and a good ride, ridden at pace and with aggression (once we'd torn ourselves away from the FREE and plentiful amounts of food).

It was good to see so many cyclists on the road, particularly the youngsters who did extremely well to cycle so far. There were a few 'fools' on the road, too, (apart from Team CC) but hopefully they'll learn the correct etiquette sooner or later.

The highlights? Meeting my cycling team mates, seeing plenty of tidy females (two in particular: speaking of which, girls with good arses shouldn't really go commando; scanty laced knickers are fine under padded shorts! :tongue:). The big fella on the road bike being repeatedly overtaken on the climbs, then bombing down the hills to re-take the lead, before realising he wasn't going to win. HlaB's suicidal overtake on the wrong side of the road 50 yards or so before a flashing ambulace passed him going the other way! :sad: And, last but not least,the piss in the park after the bus journey back to Glasgow! :eek:

Good effort all, see yuz next year and with hopefully double, or triple the number of forum cyclists!

By the way, I was first over the line, very closely followed by HlaB. ;)


Noodley said:
I have a number of 200km routes in Perthsire/Fife which might be suitable...there are short cuts to make them 100 miles

Tetedelacourse said:
Yep I'd be up for that

Just as food for thought, I've found this site here which has a pretty massive selection of courses in all parts of Scotland - have a look and see what you think?

One of them is 300 or so miles long whereas others are as short as 10 miles and theres lots of 70-120 milers in there as well.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Melvil said:
What about a Cyclechat Century? We could plan the route ourselves and there's some lovely countryside north of Edinburgh and Glasgow - the roads in Perthshire for instance, are beautiful and fairly quiet, for instance.

Are they fairly flat too ? :blush:


Melvil said:
Just as food for thought, I've found this site here which has a pretty massive selection of courses in all parts of Scotland - have a look and see what you think?

One of them is 300 or so miles long whereas others are as short as 10 miles and theres lots of 70-120 milers in there as well.
Certainly some good starters there - though I love the idea of a "Dunfermline-Inverness LOOP" :eek: !

... and how encouraging to see, in the Cycle Route Details bit, just how much cake we can eat, with calories already calculated :biggrin:

Mr Pig

New Member
When fit again, I'll be up for some of those rides, Mr P - and so probably will mrs scoosh.

We usually do about fourteen to twenty-five miles but I must warn you that you could count the flat sections on the fingers of one elbow ;0) If you're not grinding up a hill you're flying down one.

I'll try to figure out a nice route of the length worth doing, maybe twenty miles, and give you a shout.

I agree that as things stand accidents are highly likely on the PfS. I've seen a few crashes on the cycle track/park sections and I think it's only a matter of time until someone is killed unfortunately.


New Member
Mr Pig said:
If any of you guys get to Edinburgh without getting soaked I'll buy you a Ferrari!

Trust me, I live here...

599 GTB Fiorano please.

I'm Scoosh's son by the way. He can second that I was dry on returning.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Mr Pig said:
We usually do about fourteen to twenty-five miles but I must warn you that you could count the flat sections on the fingers of one elbow ;0) If you're not grinding up a hill you're flying down one.

I'll try to figure out a nice route of the length worth doing, maybe twenty miles, and give you a shout.

I agree that as things stand accidents are highly likely on the PfS. I've seen a few crashes on the cycle track/park sections and I think it's only a matter of time until someone is killed unfortunately.

Any route involving grinding up hills too often will probably kill me first :eek:

Nice to see the Edinburgh Evening News reporting the event... NOT. Instead they publish cycling accident figures and the usual anti-cyclist bile and nonsense then starts pouring into the comments section.


goo_mason said:
Any route involving grinding up hills too often will probably kill me first :eek:

Nice to see the Edinburgh Evening News reporting the event... NOT. Instead they publish cycling accident figures and the usual anti-cyclist bile and nonsense then starts pouring into the comments section.

Yes, they are tossers. I was expecting a good write up. I see the Herald had a couple of piccies and story. The scotsman - a picture with a strap beneath. I had hoped for a wee bit more - 6000 people compares with other mass participation events.
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