Please don't like me

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Far East Sussex

It's lovely to be liked, and I should really learn to do as the Romans do, but I just can't like things I like.

I'm making a full confession now (though I came clean last year in the Things you'd like to say but can't thread) because I think it's something anyone considering liking one of my posts deserves to know before they click.

Despite the thread title you can still like me if you're so inclined; the upside is that my guilt at not ever reciprocating in kind often compels me to put extra effort into a reply (most recent example) I might otherwise not have, therefore adding value to the CycleChat franchise. You're welcome, Shaun.

As of the most recent accounting, I've recieved 287 likes. I would like to take this opportunity to donate these to a charity involving orphans and kittens and unclubbed baby seals. Or else they could be loaded up and fired into an unsuspecting crowd (love that illustration).

PS. Am anticipating the first reply: "No problem anothersam, I'm already not liking you."



  • upsidedownlike.gif
    11.8 KB · Views: 47
  • zuckerlikes.gif
    3.5 KB · Views: 64


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Is 287 'Likes' a lot?

Not sure where to find my total.

I could either end up feeding my vanity or plunging into a depressive insecurity malaise depending on the result.

PS: I didn't know a puppy died every time a post is 'Liked' - that's just plain disgusting and needs stopping immediately. I'll have a quick look in the Green Party manifesto to see if it's covered in there and due to be outlawed on Friday.


Cycling in the sun
I hit the like button quite a bit, and for me it's often if the post made me smile or laugh, or if it was a serious post if it was a point well made.

It doesn't bother me if people don't recipiate, as I don't want likes just cos you're a mate. Some likes are worth more than others .... One from Rocky isn't worth the paper it's written on ;)
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I just can't comprehend how someone (classic 33, in this case), has in excess of 57,000 likes!


One of the 64K
I'm on a site that counts how many you give, as well as how many you have given. I tend to work very hard to keep my 'like karma' completely neutral. I'm not sure anybody has noticed though. Sometimes I have to give out a flurry of likes for random stuff because I've let things slide.

Here it's 'cause it made me smile, or 'cause it made me go hmm, and stroke my beard.
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