running red lights

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LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
I have one set of lights where I need a car to pull up behind me, gets frustrating waiting when it is empty.

On occasion at this junction I have been known to ride 15ft on the pavement, just so I do not RLJ, pavement scum is a little better than RLJ scum.

That's no excuse for cycling on the pavement. Get off and push and then contact the council about the faulty sensor.


Über Member
Never. My life is not worth the time saved jumping a red right, and if you think yours is, I'll laugh when you get killed.

Not really, but you deserve it if you see a red light and jump it. It's illegal, yet cyclists who jump them complain that road users don't like them. There's your reason (or one of them).


Rider of Seolferwulf
Roadsafe have put forward for prosecution quite a few of the red light jumping drivers I've filmed. If I could do the same for cyclists, I'd have no hesitation.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Not really, but you deserve it if you see a red light and jump it.

No they don't. They really don't.

Green means "Go if it is clear". It does not mean "plough through whatever is ahead of you".

I don't jump red lights. I don't like that other people do. They don't deserve to die though, and there's no granted right to run into them - if traffic on green can stop safely, it should, must.


Über Member
Always stop at red's. I like my bones and bike as they are at the moment, i.e. in one piece!



I do RLJ the occasional pedestrian crossing if there are no pedestrians in the vicinity. Otherwise no.


A Velocipedian
I have crossed at light controlled crossings when the the road is clear but have never cycled through a red light when on the road (to my knowledge)


Here for rides.
Not any more.

But there is one set of lights on a crossroads in the 'sham that are defective at detecting my presence on a bike (yes I have written and several times too, to no avail) without other vehicles present and the phasing is set so the lights never go green unless triggered so then I cross the junction on red when the pedestrians' green man is lit. I'm travelling parallel to said pedestrians so there is no conlict twixt me and them

But, on reflection, I find myself conflicted about this because the detectors don't pick me up when I'm driving the chunkychicken (too short) either and I would not dream of jumping the lights then. I either wait for ages for another car to pull up behind me or back the 'chicken up to sit it over the detectors.

We also have on bizarre pedestrian crossing in the 'sham, right outside the council offices, which seems to take a week to change to red once a ped has pressed the button and which then stays red for what seems like another week by which time said ped is probably at their desk drinking their first coffee of the morning. But I don't jump that one ever.


Not at junctions, occasional pedestrian crossings if there are no pedestrians any where near. I will cross the white line when the ASL is full of taxis though!


Rohan Man
Not any more.

Junction of Bloomsbury Way and Southampton Place in Holborn. At this point I need to cross three lanes of traffice to go down Southampton Row. Until a recent redesign there was an eastbound bus lane which got an early green making the crossing manouever a cinch - fine if I was in it but traffic further sometimes meant I was not. In that case I'd go from the stopped main flow when the bus lane got green.

No longer necessary as the road has been remodelled and the bus lane moved to be a westbound contraflow. The revised junction discourages cars from the previous Grand Prix start.


Loose member.
I went to Amsterdam last year and cycled through a whole area of red lights - some girls waved at me but that was the worst thing that happened. :tongue:
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