England : Rutland Rutland Ride Mon 4th June

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Senior Member
I was wheezing a lot on the ride yesterday and I woke up this morning feeling very wheezy and my eyes were streaming. I reckon that I might be sensitive to the pollen we were exposed to riding past those fields of oil seed rape yesterday. I've never suffered from full-blown hay fever but have had this wheeziness at times in past summers.

I was chatting to TMN about this on the ride. I have just been diagnosed with asthma - after a few years of me and the asthma nurse trying to figure out what's going on - April/May last few years has been exceptionally bad. All this has happened since moving from Cambridgeshire, so probably a lot to do with change in surrounding crops etc. In Cambs oil seed rape never got to me at all (but we kept bees there - and it is well documented that eating local honey helps hayfever/pollen aggravated asthma). This year has been worse apparently - to do with the long wet period in April/May and the effect on the pollen distribution or something. May be worth a visit to your GP or if there's an asthma nurse in your local practice.


Looks like an excellent ride, wouldn't mind coming along on your next one TF!


Senior Member
I may be at the back with cycling but when it comes to cake then I'm
well at the front :-D
shame you couldn't make it to ours afterwards - caketastic! we still have lots left (I baked a bumper batch hoping to tempt Potsy along - but forgot to post the cake photo on here the night before) so pop round for a cuppa sometime! (although best be quick as TF will have finished them soon..)
Ok last of the pictures, there are more but not quite so good quality:

Just having left the cafe and crossing one of 4 A roads but we never had to ride on one

The last hill!

Ice cream stop, his 'n hers [I won't mention the bikes :ph34r:] ColinJ DESPERATELY trying to find his money

Picture captions welcome! Mine - dr_pink playing an imaginary piano to an attentive audience apart from oldfatfool who's hand is stuck in a tube.....

This is what happens when you tell them there are no more hills

:hello: ColinJ

Forgot to say, cycleruk left us a couple of miles after the cafe stop as he only lives 5 miles away and he cycled to Oakham for the start, see you soon. Poacher left us a mile from the end to ride back to Wymondham to get his lift back, hope to see you again before too long. Finally I snapped this one off as ColinJ was carrying his bike over the railway bridge, great to see you ColinJ.


still cakes left :eek: . Damn..I was only being polite in eating ...err...3...could've gone for 5 more at least...totally scrumptious. I must confess, still smiling from yesterday.....great company and beautiful scenery. As for the age time warp, I was also amazed at the youthful looks of ColinJ and TF (can only comment on those 2 due to knowing their age...oh and my good wife Janeyb who doesn't look a day over..32 35 29 !) ....must be a cycling thing for sure. I've done nights for 12years, which has prematurely aged me (I'm 27:crazy:) , but I'm now hoping after a few more years (decades) of riding, I may in fact counteract that and bask in the joy of being told that I also look far younger than I really am.
Until then :training:
CJ aka Jonny


Puzzle game procrastinator!
The wheezing problem seems to have lessened during the day. It might be a problem if I lived somewhere different but there isn't much oil seed rape round my neck of the woods. It helps not having proper summers too, I suppose! :rain:

I sat next to a slightly pissed but interesting man on the train back from Oakham. We had a rambling conversation about political & military history - Hitler not learning the mistakes of history and turning on Russia, the UK/USA copying the Russians and going into the Afghan mess, the bombing of the King David hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, 'Coventration' and so on ...


Active Member
Ok last of the pictures, there are more but not quite so good quality:

Forgot to say, cycleruk left us a couple of miles after the cafe stop as he only lives 5 miles away and he cycled to Oakham for the start, see you soon. Poacher left us a mile from the end to ride back to Wymondham to get his lift back, hope to see you again before too long. Finally I snapped this one off as ColinJ was carrying his bike over the railway bridge, great to see you ColinJ.

Looks like the ride back for every one was a good one (even the weather looks like it was getting beter!).
The ride was another cracker, rutland really is a nice place to ride and it was a pleasure to meet some old and new faces. I headed back to the shop and spent some time looking around before heading off to take a quick look at the trails, i think a new bike bulid is in order!^_^ .

Looking forward to the next rutland ride tf:thumbsup: see you soon all:hello:
Yes I think you are right DP i'm sure I will give in to the cleats and handlebars soon! It looks like I have had a 'pub' stop rather than cake stop!
Yes TF has bravely offered to help with the downhills... in the meantime I am going to seek a local hill and do some practicing - preferably out of the public eye!! Janey is my inspiration!

The only reason you wiggle side to side is those handlebars - so much harder to climb on them. It won't be long before you're tempted to exchange them back for the original drops I bet!

I also hear that TF offered to take you out to train you on downhills... Janeyb has also signed up (now keen to beat her new record...!)
Look forward to seeing you at the next one :smile:

Looks like the ride back for every one was a good one (even the weather looks like it was getting beter!).
The ride was another cracker, rutland really is a nice place to ride and it was a pleasure to meet some old and new faces. I headed back to the shop and spent some time looking around before heading off to take a quick look at the trails, i think a new bike bulid is in order!^_^ .

Looking forward to the next rutland ride tf:thumbsup: see you soon all:hello:


Senior Member
Yes I think you are right DP i'm sure I will give in to the cleats and handlebars soon! It looks like I have had a 'pub' stop rather than cake stop!
Yes TF has bravely offered to help with the downhills... in the meantime I am going to seek a local hill and do some practicing - preferably out of the public eye!! Janey is my inspiration!

I've never been anyone's inspiration before - certainly not on a bike. But I've come up with a plan for next ride AD. If you pull on those brakes on a downhill - you're banned from cake (toasties, crisps, ice cream etc) at the cafe stop. Let's see how quickly that'll get you racing downhill!
I can't stop laughing..very good!! Yes that will get me down those hills!

I've never been anyone's inspiration before - certainly not on a bike. But I've come up with a plan for next ride AD. If you pull on those brakes on a downhill - you're banned from cake (toasties, crisps, ice cream etc) at the cafe stop. Let's see how quickly that'll get you racing downhill!
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