SCP blocked for non opt-inners.

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Cracking a solo.
Roly eyed smilies, erroneous accusations, and deeply personal insults being the preferred weapons. Cowardly keyboard warrior behaviour.
Do you not think that there is an issue when everything you describe is permitted towards regular posters in SCP? I have often seen regular SCP posters described in extremely unflattering terms in several sub forums. These posts are frequently met with a barrage of likes and sniggering replies.
...who post political comment and then claim it's not.

I have never considered myself political, I shall have to consider that more.

Opinions expressed on matters such as immigration, Brexit, someone else's political alignment, views on women's position within society, your view on people's relative "worth" etc are political.

I could reply with a futile "WGAF ?" or "WTF ?" - so popular with many on here, but what would be the point ? Is that what someone might refer to as 'calling someone out' ?

C'mon pubbers, you know very well that people get "called out" and challenged with considerably more substance than that and that, mostly, such responses are expressions of complete exasperation to posters who repeatedly express views which would not be tolerated* in "real life" or who are quite clearly trolling.

*despite what Drago claimed up-thread some of us do challenge people in the real world, I even get paid for it ;)


Here for rides.
Do you not think that there is an issue when everything you describe is permitted towards regular posters in SCP? I have often seen regular SCP posters described in extremely unflattering terms in several sub forums. These posts are frequently met with a barrage of likes and sniggering replies.

The "usual suspects" of SCP, and a couple of others, have, in here, and in person, taught me more about cycling, cycle advocacy, pro-cycling activism, how to ride, et cetera, than the rest of the forum members put together.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
As I have posted the real issue is not SC&P. The majority of recent threads which have been locked have either been in café or started off in café. The issue is the posters.
Yes but those who are the issue don't realise...or refuse to accept that fact and push the blame onto other posters.

we are all guilty of this.


Do you not think that there is an issue when everything you describe is permitted towards regular posters in SCP? I have often seen regular SCP posters described in extremely unflattering terms in several sub forums. These posts are frequently met with a barrage of likes and sniggering replies.
It will be made a better place if posters who break the rules of the forum are excluded

Left wing or right wing, if poster make regular use of personal insults or attacks, they should be excluded from that thread

I think anyone who regularly uses personal insults should be excluded from any thread.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Shame to see FM go. One of the few who could articulate a position without descending into abusive behaviour. Often disagreed with him but respected him enormously.


Legendary Member
Thank you Marmiom I honestly did not know my views were political. Odd when people who vote opposite to me have the very same views or is that something different?

Please do not think I am winding up, I am honestly very ignorant about this subject.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
I think anyone who regularly uses personal insults should be excluded from any thread.
Agreed. But there are a few posters who are quite skilled at winding up others, using fairly subtle needling in posts that, taken alone, are not the kind of thing that would be moderated, but end up causing the victim to lose their rag. And then it's the victim who often ends up with posts deleted. That kind of thing is very difficult to moderate fairly - if some of the needling posts are deleted, there are often complaints about unfair moderation, cos 'what was wrong with my post' etc.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Your 'nasty' may be another person's "challenge" depending on whether you side with those being challenged or not. I have seen mod messages claiming"nastiness" which to me have been little more than taking the p*ss out of posters making fairly nasty/inappropriate comments. And there is little point reporting them as they remain on view; then when their views are challenged those posts are removed. You get what you create.
Do you think that you are alone in feeling this way, that you are somehow individually persecuted.

It works both ways.

Firstly, what you describe above is not always true, or at least is only true for you, from your personal.perspective.

Many posters do not take the time to read posts before replying with either aggressive or worse, passive aggressive responses which invariably have a trolling effect.

Other posters never actually state an opinion...which is infuriating but prefer hide their thoughts while they pick out single words and try to derail the comment ,or worse, to appear smart. Rather than actually being smart, which many members, even those who's posts I don't personally enjoy, clearly are.

Neither of the above activities add anything to discussion and only serve to make SC&P the unattractive silo of preening self esteem that it has become.

You get more opinion in cafe, because cafe has a wider audience, which is why some leak their discussions towards that board for debate and I suspect why others seek to claw these debates back into the silo of comfortable status quo.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Agreed. But there are a few posters who are quite skilled at winding up others, using fairly subtle needling in posts that, taken alone, are not the kind of thing that would be moderated, but end up causing the victim to lose their rag. And then it's the victim who often ends up with posts deleted. That kind of thing is very difficult to moderate fairly - if some of the needling posts are deleted, there are often complaints about unfair moderation, cos 'what was wrong with my post' etc.
Plus one to the above.

Insipid activities like those described above serve no purpose at all.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I've not opted in but still see SC & P posts. I just choose not to read them.


Standard forum stuff, no?

Problem is, its a mixed-ability forum with a range of posters coming for a range of reasons. Very few arrive without an agenda, and for some the agenda is just to troll. That counts for both sides of the political divide. I can think of two posters in particular, one on each side, whose contributions are worthless and whose intentions are just to insult. One just posts tedious crap about 'lefties', and the other pompously claims greater knowledge over others whilst never actually imparting any but sees the self-putative
intellectual superiority as justification in itself to post insults. I'd like both of them to feck off, actually, even though one of them is a serial liker of my posts.

What is my agenda? Hopefully to learn something, but also to distill my own thoughts, but I'm not beyond an impatient snark when faced with bigotry presented as common-sense. Shame about the Monkey though. He knows some stuff about some stuff, and posts were nearly always substantive.
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Legendary Member
Even more of a problem when someone starts a conversation in the Café which is going quite swimmingly for several pages, when the Marx Brothers nip across from the Politics Kremlin and do their damnedest to turn it into a political discussion.
Yes very true, and don't, whatever you do, mention disliking Jazz :smile:


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Thank you Marmiom I honestly did not know my views were political. Odd when people who vote opposite to me have the very same views or is that something different?

Please do not think I am winding up, I am honestly very ignorant about this subject.
What is politics? Try the video below. (And may I respectfully suggest that any continuation of this particular strand might be better in a thread of its own?)


I can appreciate that. I have seen apparently innocent threads started, not in SC&P, that have been blatant trolling and have decended into lunacy. Subtlety done at first, things like that must be a nightmare to mod!
There is a difference between losing your rag over a post winding you up, and having a posting history containing a substantial number of derogatory and personally insulting posts.
I will chose not to opt into SC&P, purely because I am on the forum because I like riding and building up old bikes. I see no point in being part of a sub forum that winds me up.
Edit: forgot to press "reply" to @Spinney
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