Season of Mists 2011 (Hilly 100km audax from Hebden Bridge)

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New Member
That's a really cool-dude photo you have. If I'd have seen that first, I'd never have recognised you on the Stratford ride the other week! Was your mate from there or did he make the trip down from Yorkshire?


New Member
oops sorry Colin - onscuba is really JB46213 from Bike Radar


Puzzle game procrastinator!
That's a really cool-dude photo you have. If I'd have seen that first, I'd never have recognised you on the Stratford ride the other week! Was your mate from there or did he make the trip down from Yorkshire?

oops sorry Colin - onscuba is really JB46213 from Bike Radar
Ah, John - you finally made it over here!

Yeah, I've put on a lot of weight since that photo was taken about 5 years ago, and my hair has thinned out and gone a lot greyer - such is life ...

I did a double-take with you too, not having seen you with a beard before!

I was riding the Shakespeare 100 with fellow CycleChatter Gary D but we'd only just met that morning. We arranged it in this thread.

So, are you heading north to join us for SoM then? ;)

(And don't forget my 50 mile forum ride from Meriden on Sunday, October 16th. I'll start a thread about that on CycleChat soon. I don't post as much on BikeRadar these days.)


New Member
Ah, John - you finally made it over here!

Yeah, I've put on a lot of weight since that photo was taken about 5 years ago, and my hair has thinned out and gone a lot greyer - such is life ...

I did a double-take with you too, not having seen you with a beard before!

I was riding the Shakespeare 100 with fellow CycleChatter Gary D but we'd only just met that morning. We arranged it in this thread.

So, are you heading north to join us for SoM then? ;)

(And don't forget my 50 mile forum ride from Meriden on Sunday, October 16th. I'll start a thread about that on CycleChat soon. I don't post as much on BikeRadar these days.)

Sadly (as regards the meriden ride) I won't be able to attend (gears or not) becuse the day before I fly with a couple of mates to Dublin for four days of the best guinness and the best music - starting on the saturday lunchtime in the Grave Diggers in Glasnevin for what is undoubtedly the best pint of Guinness anywhere. Saturday night will be in Devitts for some fabby music "dee dee diddley diddley diddley diddley.." etc I'm sure you know how the tune goes!!:rolleyes:
As for SoM - well not many miles in my legs and they are all from Flatshire so I'd be a bit mad to try that. Actually being made redundant has made me think much more about long car journeys to ride my bike. I suspect that others are probably thinking similarly. The cost of fuel is so huge these days.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Sadly (as regards the meriden ride) I won't be able to attend (gears or not) becuse the day before I fly with a couple of mates to Dublin for four days of the best guinness and the best music - starting on the saturday lunchtime in the Grave Diggers in Glasnevin for what is undoubtedly the best pint of Guinness anywhere. Saturday night will be in Devitts for some fabby music "dee dee diddley diddley diddley diddley.." etc I'm sure you know how the tune goes!!:rolleyes:

Oh yes, I think you mentioned that elsewhere. I meet so many forum members these days that I totally forget who said what (and even who is who, at least until I've met them several times and the names stick).

Sounds like a great trip - have fun!

As for SoM - well not many miles in my legs and they are all from Flatshire so I'd be a bit mad to try that.

Actually being made redundant has made me think much more about long car journeys to ride my bike. I suspect that others are probably thinking similarly. The cost of fuel is so huge these days.
Makes sense!

I have to say that the cost of 2 trips down by rail within about a month is more than I would normally want to spend on travel, but family commitments make them necessary. I thought I'd squeeze some forum riding in while I am down.

I'll be down again at Christmas but I don't see me doing much cycling then unless we have a really mild winter this year. I'll let you know when I'm down next spring or summer and perhaps we can ride together then?


New Member
I'll be down again at Christmas but I don't see me doing much cycling then unless we have a really mild winter this year. I'll let you know when I'm down next spring or summer and perhaps we can ride together then?

Must get together for a ride next year.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I am laid up in bed with a temperature, sore throat losing my voice etc so it looks unlikley for the weekend and I have to say I am not happy about it :angry: I was looking forward to this ride but at the moment I can only just get out of bed.
Bad luck Phil! It's a tough little ride so I can't see you being strong enough to tackle it within 5 days of falling ill.

Same thing happened to me with SITD, if you recall? Right up to the day before I kept hoping that I'd be okay but I wasn't. On the day of the ride, my legs went wobbly just walking to the finish to say hello to some of the CycleChat participants.

Get well soon.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Bad luck Phil! It's a tough little ride so I can't see you being strong enough to tackle it within 5 days of falling ill.

Same thing happened to me with SITD, if you recall? Right up to the day before I kept hoping that I'd be okay but I wasn't. On the day of the ride, my legs went wobbly just walking to the finish to say hello to some of the CycleChat participants.

Get well soon.

Thanks colin, I guess it was inevitable events seem to be conspiring against me but at least it got me off my arse and out on my bike again after 2.5 months off it.

I look forward to the SITD next year and I hope potsy and skud and yourself can come along ( and everyone else that was there ) as it is a cracking day out.


My Armchair
Bad luck Phil! It's a tough little ride so I can't see you being strong enough to tackle it within 5 days of falling ill.

Same thing happened to me with SITD, if you recall? Right up to the day before I kept hoping that I'd be okay but I wasn't. On the day of the ride, my legs went wobbly just walking to the finish to say hello to some of the CycleChat participants.

Get well soon.

I was always doubtful for this anyway but, the cold I have had for 8 or 9 days shows no sign of going anytime soon which means there's no way I'll be up for it now.
The only reason I did the Jodrell ride on Sunday was because I knew it was fairly flat and I had a bail-out option if things weren't going well.

Will defo be doing SITD's next year though, really enjoyed it this year and Colin and myself are determined to be much fitter for the 2012 version, don't worry Phil, we'll wait for you though :thumbsup:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I was always doubtful for this anyway but, the cold I have had for 8 or 9 days shows no sign of going anytime soon which means there's no way I'll be up for it now.

The only reason I did the Jodrell ride on Sunday was because I knew it was fairly flat and I had a bail-out option if things weren't going well.

Will defo be doing SITD's next year though, really enjoyed it this year and Colin and myself are determined to be much fitter for the 2012 version, don't worry Phil, we'll wait for you though :thumbsup:
As I mentioned above - SoM is definitely not to be trifled with when ill!

As for SITD ... I've been thinking that I definitely want to have a go at riding an event quickly when I'm fit enough to do so. Official forum rides, no, they are definitely speed-of-the-slowest but I have my heart set on a 5 hour SITD some time! To put that in context - my last two SITDs took me about 8 hours each and the 2 before that just over 6. If by some miracle I have got myself fit enough to go for a fast time next SITD, I might do but I'll say in advance if that is going to be the case.

So, having said that ... see you in the spring for another 8 hour SITD! ;)
Well I think I need to face up to the fact that I will be missing SOM due to angry spirits in the lower lumber regions!:angry:

Last Weds. I bent down to pick up a cup and tweaked a muscle.I went to work and just aggrivated the situation so

Ive been virtually laid up since Friday with the prospect of getting on a bike seeming a long way off

Oh well, SOM has been the stick Ive been beating myself with to maintain form so its already done a lot of good

but bo*%~?ks I really wanted to do this with friends :angry:. Oh yeah,got 2 friends to enter the ride and havent told

them of my inability yet :whistle:.

Have a great day Colin and Alun , and as some French bird once said "Let them eat cake!":hello:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well I think I need to face up to the fact that I will be missing SOM due to angry spirits in the lower lumber regions!:angry:

Last Weds. I bent down to pick up a cup and tweaked a muscle.I went to work and just aggrivated the situation so

Ive been virtually laid up since Friday with the prospect of getting on a bike seeming a long way off
Ouch - bad luck! I could see you were in good shape by the way you nipped up the Nick o' Pendle when we met you t'other week.

We were discussing our Basso Vipers ... Well, I was having a bit of a clear out yesterday and I found the receipt for my frame & forks. I'd paid £299 plus £20 delivery, so yours was a real bargain at £175 on eBay!

Have a great day Colin and Alun , and as some French bird once said "Let them eat cake!":hello:
Thanks. I suspect that there might well be some cake eating going on. :whistle:
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