Seen on the ride...

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New Member
On today's ride:-

A white stag with several hinds running with him.
Ducks going mad, calling "Me! Me! Me! Me!" at the pond in Massingham as I was feeding said feathered friends with bits of fruitcake.
A barn owl flying alongside Mr Wafflycat & I as we cycled along a lane. The owl kept looking sideways at us as it flew along.
A pair of Caterpillar boots neatly placed on a verge.
A field with six hares in it.
Loads of escapee hens from free-range runs in fields.
Lots of free-range pigs - all heavily pregnant rooting about in fields.
Clouds of seagulls following a tractor ploughing a field and feeding on the *things* being exposed in the newly turned earth.


Legendary Member
Sounds like a great ride Wafflycat :tongue:. There was mention of a white stag in a newspaper this week.
I've seen a white crow and a white pheasant in the past.

I caught this story by accident on an Arthur C Clarke tv show.
There was a curse placed on the family of Levens Hall in Cumbria by a dying peasant who starved to death on the doorstep. No male heir would be born to the family until Windermere froze over and a white deer was born to the herd. It took nearly a century but the lake froze and the deer was born and lo a male heir was born. What did they do next?

Shot the white deer and put it's ear in a scrapbook :smile:.

On my way back from work yesterday I saw Shaun Ryder of Happy Mondays fame. A bit of an animal in his day.


New Member
There's an estate up here which has white deer in it. The stag I saw was a several of miles from said estate so it's probably an escapee.

I too, have seen a white male pheasant about. He was quite lovely but I doubt he'd last long in the wild.

The funniest thing today was the ducks. MrW & I stopped by a village pond and were accosted by what seemed to be every duck in Norfolk, all demanding to be fed. How could I resist! Having ducks wanding about wheels & pedals demanding to be fed was hilarious, especially the way some ran after us as we left.


Legendary Member
Sat outside a pub in Saddleworth on a bike ride after rain we watched ducks landing on the road thinking the shiny surface was the nearby canal.
If ducks can look confused, these ones did :smile:.


Today, on the walk (still rationing out the cycling - bad back again! :biggrin:) - a whole flock of buzzards wheeling over the woods back of Ditchling Common. Must have been splendid thermals. Thing is, yes I know buzzards are getting extremely common in Sussex, indeed I see them often enough over the other side of town near my workplace, but not usually on my patch - that's still kestrel country. Ah well, if the buzzards can move in but co-exist and not drive out the kestrels, good luck to them ...

Rhythm Thief said:
Hang on ... sheep aren't made of ham.:biggrin:
Poetic licence, my good man. Sounds more succinct than "eaters-of-a-different-animal-species-when-they-ought-to-be-vegetarian"...


Moray Firth
Gannets (we have the country's largest mainland population about a mile away) plunging from roughly 50ft up. Twites. Buzzards, larks, and various tits on my inland return journey. Glorious bright but chilly day.

Deer fox hares rabbits common but not today.

A bit too early for Dolphins (which follow the shoals of spring mackerel), but on good days i see both dolphin and seal.

Makes you glad to be alive.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
bonj said:
I also often ride past a field of what are apparently 'mayfield alpacas'. They are basically lamas.

Similar but not the same - I believe llamas were domesticated from guanacos and alpacas from vicunas ( or the other way round!)


New Member
South Beds.
Seen numerous dead badgers of late....two withing 20 yards of each other...poor little mites... :biggrin:


Legendary Member
I treat myself to a ride along the Longendale Trail after work tonight, equipped with camera hoping for good sunset shots over the reservoir. Nae luck!

I did see the moon in all it's peachy loveliness briefly and I met a woman and her son walking with huge rucksacks. She's training for a Lejog walk later in the year and dragged her lad along as it's half term.

They camped out last night! She said it was a bit cold ;)

I saw a lovely tawny owl too.
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