Should All Cyclists Wear Helmet Cams?

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Ride your bike a bit longer Harvey and relax.


Well-Known Member
No not compulsory - ridiculous.

You should definitely wear one though. You sound a bit negatively focused to me and it will give you some solace no doubt.

Do you cycle out of necessity or for fun?

I'm far from negatively focused. Unfortunately we live in a world where people want to sue at the drop of a hat. I'd rather know if I'm liable or not in a few regular situations I find myself in and if a camera would help with that.

It seems a good idea to me I had just hoped for the reasons why others think it isn't. At least then I can make a balanced decision. Users quick off the mark to call it moronic and make 1984 comparisons have obviously strong reasons why they hold that view and I'd be interested in them.

I do a 15 mile round trip to commute to work/gym each day and 40 - 50 miles on a Saturday or Sunday morning. I started to save money on petrol and time in traffic. I enjoy cycling so do the run out at the weekend for fun.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Compulsory helmet-cameras? What next?

Actually, now there's a thought. If I looked like this, Australian motorists might give me a bit more respect :evil:


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Legendary Member
If you want a camera, get one. I personally have no interest. If concerned about being sued or needing to sue, join British Cycling or CTC. I have done so, with the other benefits as useful

Ref dogs, fundamentally they aren't bright, they should be under control, but that isn't always possible. Ultimately, on any shared path, the pedestrian has right of way over the cyclist. Slow down, get a bell, chill out :smile:

Also, read the Highway Code and Cyclecraft to help you understand your obligations and those of drivers / pedestrians


A Human Being
Again, this isn't about prevention it's about making sure I am covered should something happen and it is claimed to be my fault. If enough cyclists did this and drivers were aware that there was every chance the cyclist up ahead could be recording them, would they pass more safely?
Speaking as a helmet cam wearer, the idea of compulsion is completely wrong, what someone does or does not wear on their person when riding a bicycle is a matter for the rider not the law.
You seem to have joined to separate discussions into one, whether you should wear one for evidential reasons and the law forcing people to wear one.


Charming but somewhat feckless
Users quick off the mark to call it moronic and make 1984 comparisons have obviously strong reasons why they hold that view and I'd be interested in them.

To be fair to those making 1984 references, your thread title asks "Should all cyclists wear helmet cams" and your message then concludes with "...Should it be recommended that cyclists wear them or even be compulsory?"

Had you instead asked simply if having a helmet cam was worthwhile, you might have received the breadth of responses you'd hoped for.



67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I'm far from negatively focused. Unfortunately we live in a world where people want to sue at the drop of a hat. I'd rather know if I'm liable or not in a few regular situations I find myself in and if a camera would help with that.

It seems a good idea to me I had just hoped for the reasons why others think it isn't. At least then I can make a balanced decision. Users quick off the mark to call it moronic and make 1984 comparisons have obviously strong reasons why they hold that view and I'd be interested in them.

I do a 15 mile round trip to commute to work/gym each day and 40 - 50 miles on a Saturday or Sunday morning. I started to save money on petrol and time in traffic. I enjoy cycling so do the run out at the weekend for fun.

That's sounding a bit like you.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Actually I would much prefer all motor vehicles to be compelled to have them. I also think all motor vehicles should have black box recorders fitted like some insurance companies insist on for new drivers.


North Shields
Users quick off the mark to call it moronic and make 1984 comparisons have obviously strong reasons why they hold that view and I'd be interested in them.

"Mum, I'm just off for a ride out with my mates."

"Is your helmet camera fully charged?"

"... No ..."

"Sorry dear, you're not to cycle without one."


I know where my towel is
Should All Cyclists Wear Helmet Cams? - No
Should All Drivers Wear Helmet Cams? - No

If you feel a camera will give you more confidence on the road, then by all means get one, but it would be a false sense of confidence.

Keeping dogs under control is not the same as keeping a dog on a leash, and in a lot of cases it is not the dog but it is the owner that is the problem. I have seen dogs off a leash walking at heel who have been superbly behaved, and much better behaved than dogs on extendable leashes whose owners are either lazy or couldn't care less.

Most of the issues that you mention are to do with enforcement (more police or PCSO patrols needed), and changing of peoples attitudes (general uk culture), getting a camera will not protect you from that, it is your own reading of the situation and pro-activity that will.
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