Sick of cars! Lack of indicating, pavement mounting,lazy drivers etc etc

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Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Bloomin prophetic, this thread.
Had real close shave this evening.
For those who know the area, I was swooping down the slope from Blacko to Barrowford on the A628 iirc. It's a 30mph limit so I was keeping up with the traffic, but leaving a 50 metre gap to the car in front. Don't want to have to panic brake if someone jumps on the anchors.
All of a sudden some muppet reverses at speed out of a driveway on the left into the gap I've left in front of me!! No way I'm gonna stop in time. Back brake is no use as the wheel is off the ground. Can't brake any harder or I'm over the bars.
Muppet wakes up, jams it in gear and accelerates away smartish, waving his hand by way of apology.
I waved back at him.
That's a busy road. Who reverses out onto a busy A road ffs?

A lazy dumb couldn't give a toss bastard that's who!:angry:
Bloomin prophetic, this thread.
Had real close shave this evening.
For those who know the area, I was swooping down the slope from Blacko to Barrowford on the A628 iirc. It's a 30mph limit so I was keeping up with the traffic, but leaving a 50 metre gap to the car in front. Don't want to have to panic brake if someone jumps on the anchors.
All of a sudden some muppet reverses at speed out of a driveway on the left into the gap I've left in front of me!! No way I'm gonna stop in time. Back brake is no use as the wheel is off the ground. Can't brake any harder or I'm over the bars.
Muppet wakes up, jams it in gear and accelerates away smartish, waving his hand by way of apology.
I waved back at him.
That's a busy road. Who reverses out onto a busy A road ffs?
New drivers won't be doing that as they dropped the reversing into a junction bit, so I believe.


I was informed by one of my nieces when I pulled her up for not indicating that she'd been instructed that excessive use of indicators is a fail. I guess in order to indicate there must be someone to indicate to.


I disagree. Paris drivers may be shoot - but at least they indicate before running you over.

Driver signalling is, in my experience, far better on France than in the UK.

I can't speak for Paris but around these parts indicators are a myth. Everyone also defaults to the middle of the road when no-one's around. Makes blind corners on narrow roads interesting.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Sue them, all of them.
I was informed by one of my nieces when I pulled her up for not indicating that she'd been instructed that excessive use of indicators is a fail. I guess in order to indicate there must be someone to indicate to.

I don't see how indicating no matter how much you do it,should be classed as a fail. If you're turning,overtaking,pulling in to park,attempting to rejoin traffic etc and you signal your intentions to do so why is that bad? Incorrect signalling such as signalling after the manoeuvre or indicating left two turn offs from your intended exit then yes. As for there having to be something to indicate to,like i said previously how can you be 100% certain there's no one or no vehicle relying on you signalling your intentions?
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Über Member
What's happened? I've been away all afternoon driving my car up and down main street. Can anyone fill me in? What did I miss?
Not much


I don't know much about Cinco de Mayo
An elderly disabled woman i know rides around on a mobility scooter. One of her routes is constantly blocked by some staff who work at a car home. It's a busy road so they say they have to park their vehicles on the pavement to save their wing mirrors and stuff,even though most leave their mirrors out. One day she saw a gap on the pavement so she tried to squeeze through, scratching a car as she did so. The owner of the car saw her scratch his car. He ran out threatening this and that, demanding her name and address. I told her to contact the police and see what they said. According to her they said she'd done nothing wrong as the car shouldn't have been blocking a public highway. So why are they still using the pavement next to the care home as a car park?

Seeing cars parked on pavements without enough room left for someone in a wheelchair or mobility scooter to pass is something that really makes me angry, and as a person I'm so laid back I'm almost horizontal.

It's a complete lack of any thought for other people. They deserve for their vehicles to end up with accidental damage.
I will give you a less obvious one, my friend is wheelchair bound and in front of his house is a dipped kerb its the only one in the close the number of cars the park in front of it, well................


Legendary Member
We are so good at knocking car drivers but we should be looking at ourselves instead.

Ive already had 2 near misses with bikes without lights on the way to work this month. How they can see without them is a mystery. It is pitch black where I livr.

A quick look at Youtube and you will see some total twonkers on bikes and in cars.

Im a car driver but mostly a cyclist and it is cyclists doing stupid things that annoy me the most. Basic, silly things like no lights, not signalling, jamming the brakes on in the middle of nowhere for no reason at all.

Thankfully most of the bike riders and car drivers I come across engage their brain before setting out. Its those that dont who stand out in my mind.
Loch side.
We are so good at knocking car drivers but we should be looking at ourselves instead.

Ive already had 2 near misses with bikes without lights on the way to work this month. How they can see without them is a mystery. It is pitch black where I livr.

A quick look at Youtube and you will see some total twonkers on bikes and in cars.

Im a car driver but mostly a cyclist and it is cyclists doing stupid things that annoy me the most. Basic, silly things like no lights, not signalling, jamming the brakes on in the middle of nowhere for no reason at all.

Thankfully most of the bike riders and car drivers I come across engage their brain before setting out. Its those that dont who stand out in my mind.
Steve, there is no place on this forum for introspection or balance. This is a cycle forum where we bash car drivers and argue that every single car trip is one that should best be done on an HPV made from organic, home-grown materials which are PVC-free, gluten-free and green. Our carbon footprints are low and being so green, our methane emissions aren't taken into account. We are the holy of the holy.

Of course most of us own cars as well but that paradox is easily dealt with by simply joining a car forum where we can bitch and moan about cyclists riding without lights, chasing old ladies off pavements and carelessly leaning our bicycles against shop windows. Not to mention those awful revealing spandex they wear. Don't they realise that they look like a jellyfish stuffed into condom.

Tut tut tut....

Me? I'm going for a ride and a beer. It is Friday and thus morally legal to drink before noon.
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