Tales from today's commute....

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
The ride home (or to the station to be precise) was actually ok. It had stopped raining by the time I left and had a lovely tail wind to help push me along. Damn cold though.
Came off this morning, hit the car trap on the Busway, I went a different way to get onto the cycle path, forgot about the car trap,. as it was covered in snow, bam went right in and down...

Got up, carried on the rest of the 14 miles, didn't really see how bad unto there was daylight!!
Anyway bike was okay! but my new altura things were trashed :sad:

Cycled home but it was shockingly bad ice everywhere, so much so I didn't get until 7 pm, left at 5:10 so bus tomorrow as I cant risk another fall. It looks bad but I got away with considering I came down on concrete, could easily have broken it. So I will have to admit defeat for tomorrow:sad:




Here on the not so frosty plain of Canada we have had a strange 2 weeks. Started with -25C and blowing winds, then snow (we had a 3 foot drift in front of the house) now the temperature has shoot up it is 3 C and it feels almost tropical. But the news is not all good as it warms up any remaining ice gets very slippery.

Thanks to the strange weather I got to make a snowball yesterday, normally our snow can stick together to form the required projectile.


How far can I go?
A chilly ride in this morning with a temp of -4C. I lost feeling in my toes around 10 miles in. When I got to work, I realised it's because my socks were soaked in sweat. I think I went a bit overkill with layers today...


Came off this morning, hit the car trap on the Busway, I went a different way to get onto the cycle path, forgot about the car trap,. as it was covered in snow, bam went right in and down...

Got up, carried on the rest of the 14 miles, didn't really see how bad unto there was daylight!!
Anyway bike was okay! but my new altura things were trashed :sad:

Cycled home but it was shockingly bad ice everywhere, so much so I didn't get until 7 pm, left at 5:10 so bus tomorrow as I cant risk another fall. It looks bad but I got away with considering I came down on concrete, could easily have broken it. So I will have to admit defeat for tomorrow:sad:

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blimey mate, that's a doozy hope you heal up quickly. more importantly is the bike okay ;-)


As expected got on the bike, rode in, the CS2 from Bow Flyover right up to the lights at Mile End station needed gritting just like last year :banghead:

but all in all cold and an easy commute, not risking anything while it's like this.


Tights of Cydonia
Stupidly chose to wear gloves other than my ski gloves today and my fingers froze !

I had a driver go into complete swearing aggressive meltdown after I said good morning, and politely asked him to clear his windscreen of ice as he could not see properly out of it or out of his side windows.

He had been driving along side roads chocked with schoolchildren. He said he would knock my f***ing teeth in and etc etc..

Thankfully a most unusual occurrence.
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