Team Sky, Brailsford and doping

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
what I don't understand is that SKY knew about this from day one of his employment, everybody understood that Yates received a nod and wink in1996 from the UCI, yet they still gave him a job,

the problem for Yates is at 52, what next for him and no matter what people think of him, he has done a good job at SKY, so by admitting any guilt, he is basicly ending his career,
I not sure if hounding people like yates out of cycling is really the best thing for the sport, for one, who'd be left to run the teams, as I see it, if you rode pre 2005-2006 you are a drug cheat, thats a lot of ex pro's with vast amount of knownledge to pass on...
I take your point but as was pointed out some years ago, Sky's strict anti-doping policy leaves them little or no wriggle room. There are any amount of other teams which Yates could go to.


Spectral Cyclist
Out the back

DB seems to be offering a second chance at a second chance

Zero Tolerance "a team that cannot be questioned"< WRIGGLE ROOM > Rehabilitation "if you lie again, there will be no support"


Not sure I totally agree - guys like Barry and the Garmin riders eventually made choices to be on teams that had nothing to do with doping and there was no big possibility of any of this coming to light 5 years ago. I really think they didn't want to be part of it any more. LL and GH have been less forthcoming about their motivation - it is not clear whether this is because they cared less or they care not to spin their story.

btw, here are some other names from the USADA report, or at least educated guesses:

Who's the Korean rider at the bottom?


So who's been around long enough to have been tested 103 times - about half as much as has been calculated for LA? There can't be many.

One fifth as many, surely? :laugh: Anyway, there aren't many. Incidentally, is there a rider whose name rhymes with 'punt' still riding for Sky?


The Borough
One fifth as many, surely? :laugh: Anyway, there aren't many. Incidentally, is there a rider whose name rhymes with 'punt' still riding for Sky?
Is this about the Leveson enquiry ?
One fifth as many, surely? :laugh: Anyway, there aren't many. Incidentally, is there a rider whose name rhymes with 'punt' still riding for Sky?

If you insist :rolleyes: Can't be him surely - he announced his retirement a couple of weeks ago?

But it does raise questions about what the standard of proof is now. Is three riders saying you did enough to make you guilty and end your career? How about one?
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