Texting on a horse!

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Aaargh... now I can't get the image of BFF as a grizzled version of John Turturro's character in The Big Lebowski out of my head. Thanks Bicycle! Erm... and theclaud!


Perhaps he means catamite?
Hahahaha.......I don't know why I'm laughing, I don't know what the joke is and I don't know what the word means.

You Guardian readers, why can't I be like you....I so want to be like yoooouuu boooo hooooo :cry:


You are like the anti-me. I would love to to have been one of the sporty kids at school!

I was that child who would rather spend playtime reading a book than going outside. I only wish my parents had taught me how to ride a bike when I was youger and got me a decent bike so I could have pootled around North Wales being anti-social but vigorous way!

BTW, I did genuinely love my English teacher, she was amazing and also stopped me from getting expelled from college!
I think my English Lit teacher hated my guts - I always got 10% or less for homework and it was always a competition between me and Melvyn Grimshaw who got the worst % every week. The teacher gave the work out in order of score so Victoria always got hers first and me or Melvyn last. One time I was determined to do better so I did my homework in new improved super neat handwriting and really spent more time and care. Then, when it was just me and Melvyn waiting to be given our marked work back I thought "at least I'll beat Mel". The teacher handed Mel his paper and then she proceeded to conduct class. After the class finished I went up to her and asked why she hadn't given me my homework. The bitch said "I'm not marking someone elses homework". I just shrugged and buzzed of. PE is so much easier than trying to please arty farty types.

Just to prove what a vindictive cow she must have been, I scraped a "C" pass in the exam. (without ever actually having ever read a book in my life - study aides were so useful):smile:

WAKE UP !^_^


Oddly, that was the word my mental auto-edit replaced 'homeboy' with when I read the post.

Knowing neither party I have no reason to think this, but I saw the word applying to the author, not the subject.

I fear I may have done someone a terrible wrong in writing this, although I may simply have provided the catalytist to act on an unfulfilled wish.

Everyone should be happy. And so should everyone else. I fear this thing has drifted off-topic. :whistle:
Texting on horses can be avoided if we ban horses from the roads unless they are dropping the kids off at school, going to work or performing an important journey other than posing or just stretching the horses legs.

Simples Sergei


1688111 said:
Anything, so long as it is at least as important as travelling a distance you could walk in 5 minutes to pick up something you don't really need from the Co-op then.
Adrian. Firstly it would take about 15-20 minutes to get to the Coop and back and secondly us northerners don't have theatres, coffee shops, Big Ben, trendy architecture etc, all we have is soreen and milk - we do need it to enrich our lives.


"4x4" is bad language? I thought it was rather good. [Edited]

Linf has never been behind the wheel of a 'Chelsea Tractor' and is trying to figure what side of the fence to sit on in regard to these musings on horses and vehicles - 10 out of 10 for use of imagination in coming up with this term, but Panzers were a thoroughly German affair though so a bit misleading..


Openly Marxist
Linf has never been behind the wheel of a 'Chelsea Tractor' and is trying to figure what side of the fence to sit on in regard to these musings on horses and vehicles - 10 out of 10 for use of imagination in coming up with this term, but Panzers were a thoroughly German affair though so a bit misleading..

Hello! I had a different term, but it got moderated out of existence...


Openly Marxist
I'll take that as meaning it could be quite easy to have a bad day on here now theclaud ?

I think I was having rather a good day at the time. But some people get all f**king twisty-knickered about what they call "bad" language. What news?


Über Member
I think I was having rather a good day at the time. But some people get all f**king twisty-knickered about what they call "bad" language. What news?

Twisty-knickered, Is that like a cockwobble, winding ya neck in, or taking your head for a wobble ?


I think I was having rather a good day at the time. But some people get all f**king twisty-knickered about what they call "bad" language. What news?

The joy of swapping my Hybrid out last summer for the Roadie I bought a few years ago, and then having a (insert expletive) breaking into my garage the following night and pinching it. I've currently got an old clunker hardtial with a knackered bottom bracket which is less than nice to ride so not really much for now. How about yourself ?


Openly Marxist
The joy of swapping my Hybrid out last summer for the Roadie I bought a few years ago, and then having a (insert expletive) breaking into my garage the following night and pinching it. I've currently got an old clunker hardtial with a knackered bottom bracket which is less than nice to ride so not really much for now. How about yourself ?

:sad: Sorry to hear about that. When you sell the 4x4-or-whatever-it-is and buy another nice bike, I'm sure Mrs Linford won't mind you keeping it in the house for security. :smile:


As long as we have the horses, I'll need one to shift them about. If there wasn't such a stong demand for quality stolen cycles, I doubt they would have targetted me. My neighbour had a 3 week old carbon Cube pinched about a month after that, but they went into his house to steal the shed keys.


Openly Marxist
Hey Linf, you need an avatar. Start yourself a thread over in C&D (P&L in ye olde language) and we'll chose one for ya :smile:

TeeCee - whats up? Your quiet these days.

Bastard landlords, demanding colleagues, an unfavourable political climate - that sort of thing. I'm fine though, and am keeping one eye on the goings-on here. So don't imagine you'll get away with it, whatever it is...
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