The Football.....

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Thing is it happens on some occasions. My experience is in general the vast majority respect these things but from time to time a few knuckleheads don't.

I must say I don't agree with the numerous minutes of silence we have at football matches. I often have to ask my neighbour what it's for? He usually doesn't know either. I rather object to being forced to take part in something which I have no knowledge of........still I only have to give a minute to someone else which is a very tiny thing to ask.

I don't mind so much when its an old boy I've never really heard of who played for the team back in the day. Its a respectful nod to the past, and probably means a lot to whoever has been left behind.


Work colleagues Son was at the game and recorded the minutes silence. Quite disgusting behaviour and bare in mind mostly all home fans. Once again highlights Scotland for all the wrong reasons.

Loads and loads to be proud of, except our inability to leave the past where it belongs.


I don't mind so much when its an old boy I've never really heard of who played for the team back in the day. Its a respectful nod to the past, and probably means a lot to whoever has been left behind.

Agree entirely which is why I'm happy to do so. At my club though we have these for people which have no apparent connection or it's for much larger scale things which I might not want to acknowledge.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Minute's silence on Remembrance Day (only one club in Scotland deliberately disrupt that) but I prefer a minute's applause. Especially the one's organised by the fans themselves. At a recent game after a young fan had dropped dead at the age of 24, on the 24th minute what felt like the entire stadium got to its feet and applauded whilst the young fans in "the choir" sang his name. It was actually quite moving.


North Shields


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
How is stopping football for one, potentially two weekends a 'mark of respect'?

I don't see it myself. A minutes' silence, or applause, black armbands etc would be a much more positive/open way of marking her passing.

You could have a minutes' silence at the start of the match, then the applause on the 70th minute.

Because maybe the players playing football, want to mark their respect for the monarch and not be running around a football pitch kicking a bag of air…..sometimes there are things just more important to some than football. But you wont get that, because you want your football on……

not everyone share your lack of empathy.


North Shields
Because maybe the players playing football, want to mark their respect for the monarch and not be running around a football pitch kicking a bag of air…..sometimes there are things just more important to some than football. But you wont get that, because you want your football on……

not everyone share your lack of empathy.

I've plenty of empathy, thanks. I just don't see how stopping certain sporting fixtures shows some kind of respect.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
I think they should have gone ahead. Fans would have been able to show their respect with a minutes silence, as they did impeccably at the cricket today.

And there are also practical reasons, the season is already very compressed because of the world cup break this winter.

But the cricket was postponed yesterday and the golf and the cycling and the horse racing… football followed suit over the weekend.


Well, yeah, it's the prerogative of those in charge what to do. But shutting down football, right down to kids levels? Bizarre.

Not just the football though. Shutting down all sport is ridiculous. The football will be shut down next weekend as well.

I have no lack of respect but now have a complete lack of interest. Haven't watched a mainstream TV channel since Friday morning.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
Well, yeah, it's the prerogative of those in charge what to do. But shutting down football, right down to kids levels? Bizarre.

But its not just football that was shutdown…..all sports have done it, as a mark of respect.

Why should football be treating it any different to any other sport that did the same???
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