The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Heres a question for us oldies.
Did you in any way struggle (mentally or otherwise) when you packed in work.
I didn't, not one bit. I actually went the other way and chilled too much till I readjusted.
It helped that I repped and surveyed, working from home for the last 20 years till I retired, so didnt miss the normal work environment.
How about you ?


Legendary Member
Morning non workies. :smile:
Was going to go for a ride this morning, then remembered I'd got an appointment at the docs for routine aneurism screening. First time I've been called in for this. Missus reckons they'll have a problem doing it, as she says I'm a heartless b*****d. :laugh:
Do you get a twitchy bum before hand? I do each time I have the camera, even though Ive been clear for 4 years.


If 6 Was 9
Heres a question for us oldies.
Did you in any way struggle (mentally or otherwise) when you packed in work.
I didn't, not one bit. I actually went the other way and chilled too much till I readjusted.
It helped that I repped and surveyed, working from home for the last 20 years till I retired, so didnt miss the normal work environment.
How about you ?
Just walked away and forgot it.
Mind you, I've never had a problem of letting things go. I can be intensely involved in something, then it's just like throwing a switch and walking away.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Heres a question for us oldies.
Did you in any way struggle (mentally or otherwise) when you packed in work.
I didn't, not one bit. I actually went the other way and chilled too much till I readjusted.
It helped that I repped and surveyed, working from home for the last 20 years till I retired, so didnt miss the normal work environment.
How about you ?

Not me either. Couldn't stop working soon enough. Just walked away and have never missed it.
lovely sunny start to the day @ wigan pier, I think a bike ride may be in order this morning.:bicycle:


Legendary Member
Heres a question for us oldies.
Did you in any way struggle (mentally or otherwise) when you packed in work.
I didn't, not one bit. I actually went the other way and chilled too much till I readjusted.
It helped that I repped and surveyed, working from home for the last 20 years till I retired, so didnt miss the normal work environment.
How about you ?
I didn't have a choice due to my accident and the times I shouted “why me” must have been a thousand times. The worse thing was the lack of money knowing for the rest of my life I would be short of money, holidays are a thing of the past, as well as new cars good job my 21 year old car is still going strong, but as time goes by you learn to live within your means and except what your got, then you learn to live again.


Did you in any way struggle (mentally or otherwise) when you packed in work.

On the contrary. As I mentioned earlier, my packing in work was followed by moving to rural France - down sizing as they say. Our first few years in France were spent in idle bliss. Despite being in the middle of a new and undiscovered country, we didn't really go anywhere - not far afield at any rate. We just sat in the garden and chilled out. I rode my bike a lot on voyages of local discovery but that was pretty much it. We simply 'wound down'.


Leg End Member
Morning fellow retirees......nope, I didn't miss work at all. Actually went a couple of years early I was so stressed. I am lazy by nature so haven't accomplished much since I retired. I just enjoy taking life easy with no hassles.

15,000 steps walked already.
Can enjoy my breakfast now. I suppose I should attempt a spin later since it's so nice.
Just over 51/2 mile?
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