The Retirement Thread

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
When" her indoors" is in a panic and is going to a "do" in the evening I get dragged into applying a colour to her hair if the hairdresser can't take her. The cursing and swearing that usually ensue is like hell brimstone. I am accused of "pulling the head off her " being "as rough as a dog " etc so eventually after biting my tongue for a bit I retaliate and unleash a few verbals myself "I didn't ask for this ****ing job " etc . When finished she thanks me sweetly and disappears and I reach for a few beers to restore my shattered nerves :cheers::wacko:

I used to do the colouring thing but I now sub' it to a hairdresser so cut/colour @ £120 every 8 weeks and job's a good one with no domestic stress. ^_^


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
This reminds me:

Many moons back in a different life I had an important presentation to give to around 300 people the next day..

So, the night before, Lovely Wife was cutting my hair with my Wahl clippers and was suffering from PMT at the time. I said something 'bad' inadvertently and a row kicked off and she refused to finish my half-finished haircut. :eek:

Significant apologising, begging, grovelling etc eventually got the job completed. :smile:

The moral of this story is, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING whilst your wife has the Wahl Clippers in her hand ;)

Deleted member 1258

I thought you were married!!!
Why are you out in the wind and rain doing jobs while you have a woman to do it.

I hope MrsD never reads that:rolleyes:

With my Good Ladies poor health and mobility problems I do it all, cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing, act as her chauffeur, make sure she gets to the doctor, her hospital appointments and make sure she has her medication.


Legendary Member
With my Good Ladies poor health and mobility problems I do it all, cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing, act as her chauffeur, make sure she gets to the doctor, her hospital appointments and make sure she has her medication.
Yes, essential to look after each other.
After my BCG cancer treatment I was helpless and MrsD did everything for me.


If 6 Was 9
I don't think anything has been ironed in our house since I retired over 5 years ago.
All my work shirts, ties, jackets, trousers and suits went down the charity shop the week I left work.
Been doing 'Devon Casual' ever since. :laugh:


Cycling tomorrow.........

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