The uk is a throwaway society?

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It is a variation on the old story.
What is everybody's is nobody's.
If not directly responsible then who cares? The user often does not.
It may appear off topic but the principle is the same.
I was in charge of a diving club RIB [rigid inflatable boat] which was part grant funded and was loaned to the yacht club for race safety boat. In the end I refused to hand over the keys as it was constantly misused and came back in deplorable condition and often damaged by carelessness.
They had no responsibility for looking after it so did not bother about any damage or misuse.

Somebody will come along and collect my rubbish and if they don't I don't care. :angry:


Ours spends plenty of money on stupid stuff like millions for the bid for the city of culture or for lighting up buildings to show support for various causes etc.
Household bins are a given, I dont know where you are from but here we have always had the black bin and also the green/brown in recent years, thats what we pay the council tax for. This is detailed in the council tax bill.

I know we all get bins emptied point is it’s not a legal requirement they don’t have to do it. Just provide mean of dealing with waste. Council's just have done it so it’s become fixed a service. Look Money is wasted for sure . I see it I also see and have to deal with and sit in meeting trying to do more with less.
We can argue and fight all we want in the mean time real people need real help. Until funding gets moved around and improves most would prefer money went to ones in greatest need. Hard facts are until things improve money for x has to come money for y.


Kilometre nibbler
3. My post was merely pointing out an opposition to the premise 'Brits' are responsible for they decay that seems to surround us, its a people problem, not a Brit one.
Thread is about the UK. Who do you think is to blame for that? Can't possibly be those lovely tidy Brits. Must be someone else to blame.


. . . I had to pay £70.00 to get rid of an old 3 piece suite, I couldnt go through all that farce with the council again and wrapping it up etc.
We recently replaced an old sofa - it was about 30 years old, very worn and had a spring coming out out the bottom. We don't drive and couldn't get it to the tip. I managed to dismantle it, saw it up and get rid of it in the wheelie bin with the household non-recyclable rubbish over about 5 collections.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Dog turds hanging in small black plastic bags from bushes and trees next to footpaths. Are they just stupid, lazy c*nts or do they believe in a reverse Turd Fairy?
It could be that they are like my sister... She doesn't like carrying the bag(s) around with her for the entire walk so she hides them in bushes. I told her off the first time I saw her do it, but she always retrieves them on her way back home/to her car and then bins them.

At least she does hide them, rather than doing the dangling thing!


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
It could be that they are like my sister... She doesn't like carrying the bag(s) around with her for the entire walk so she hides them in bushes. I told her off the first time I saw her do it, but she always retrieves them on her way back home/to her car and then bins them.

At least she does hide them, rather than doing the dangling thing!
Quite a lot of people don't seem to do the "retrieving".

"I'm not leaving my dogshit on the path, I'm leaving it on a tree for all to admire."
One thing pur local parish councillors have been very good at is bulky waste days. Every few months.a bin lorry and crew turn up I a supermarket carpark and locals have the morning to use the service and very well used it is too. Stuff arrives in vans, cars shopping trollies etc etc there's usually a light hearted buzz on those days, people feel they're contributing taking responsibility I think....and it's free.

It doesnt solve it but its a very well used service. Those that can't be bothered likely never will. Ultimately, (some) people are incredibly lazy
Australian's councils have a programme where each suburb is allowed a week each year to stack all their bulky items - furniture, sofa, fridge etc in front of their house for council engaged bulk disposal guys to clear it. Its across all councils around the country and has been a practice for years.

There is also affordable private skip bin companies where you can order skips the day before and it delivered the next day and you chuck all your bulky items. Also a well entrenched culture.

Oz is migrant destination country so it is more diverse yet the new arrivals seem to fall in line.

My guess is that local government must have active and appropriate waste disposal programmes for the culture to set in. Once fly tipping stops, society will also stop disposing of bottles, cans and wrappers from vehicles.
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Legendary Member
My guess is that local government must have active and appropriate waste disposal programmes for the culture to set in. Once fly tipping stops, society will also stop disposing of bottles, cans and wrappers from vevehicles.,

Tbf, this is what I assumed, they want to instill a sense of responsibility in the users but its quite clearly failing on the grounds the initiatives have been slowly but consistently made harder over the last 10 or 20 years, yet have instilled virtually no change in (some) peoples attitudes to it all


Legendary Member
Ours spends plenty of money on stupid stuff like millions for the bid for the city of culture or for lighting up buildings to show support for various causes etc.
Household bins are a given, I dont know where you are from but here we have always had the black bin and also the green/brown in recent years, thats what we pay the council tax for. This is detailed in the council tax bill.

I long since came to the conclusion, until we get local councillors to take an active interest in the people of a town /city, rather than the town /city itself, nothing will improve.
Peterborough gets a lot of flack locally and nationally...'one of the worst cities in the UK to live' etc etc.
Its not actually that bad, its mundane, its city centre is mundane but crime isn't too bad, it has nice countryside all around it....but the estates are suffering neglect, landscaped areas left to rot, little in the sense of local community, the council fail again and again with proper local provision of services that will lift people, plenty of talk of new developments, new companies coming to the city, regeneration of shopping centres etc etc....bogger all that, get them in the estates, where it matters to the residents of any town or city


Legendary Member
We recently replaced an old sofa - it was about 30 years old, very worn and had a spring coming out out the bottom. We don't drive and couldn't get it to the tip. I managed to dismantle it, saw it up and get rid of it in the wheelie bin with the household non-recyclable rubbish over about 5 collections.

Rock on :laugh: :okay: I do the same. An entire large shed roof , felt etc was sawn up and placed in bins. Done the same when I replaced all the fence panels, what wasn't donated free on FB (you can get rid of almost anything on there) went in the bins after being sawn up.
All it takes is a little time and effort.


Legendary Member
Quite a lot of people don't seem to do the "retrieving".

"I'm not leaving my dogshit on the path, I'm leaving it on a tree for all to admire."

I think it is a 'passive aggressive' protest against the fact that you have to clean up after yer doggie, down side is there are no longer any dog turds you could kick towards yer mate...................I miss those white uns and the ultimate song (which I'd post a 'linky to if this 'chromebook would let me) is a Billy Connolly song from the 70's called shitkickers waltz
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